Crude Oil Prices Improved, Oil and Gas Industry Supporting Business Also Significantly
Sabtu, 29 Juli 2017 - 04:08 WIB

Crude Oil Prices Improved, Oil and Gas Industry Supporting Business Also Significantly
JAKARTA - Business actors in the field of offshore supporting vessel services for oil and gas industry in 2017 may breathe a sigh of relief. Crude oil prices which getting better, making business climate in this field began to show significant figures for the company's revenue.
"Business climate in this field on 2017 is better," said Director of PT Pelayaran Tamarin Samudra Tbk, Leo A Tangkilisan during General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS) in Jakarta, recently.
He added, this was seen in first half of 2017, in which the company's condition began to improve. Annualized revenue in 2017 compared to 2016 was a performance improvement. This happens because the increase in charter rate is due to the rise in oil prices at the level of USD 45-50 per barrel.
"The company has been trying to escape the pressure in 2016 with successful increase of the company's ship utilization and operationally. The company maximally performs efficiently in all fields including with restructured bank loans in order to maintain cash flow which is healthy," explained the man who also serves as Corporate Secretary of this company.
He explained, at the end of 2015 to June 2016, price of crude oil fell, so the government asked for a decrease in cost of work. As a result, the contract rate already deal is also asked to be lowered.
"But, we can survive, and in May 2017 we can register in the stock market," said Leo.
Described, the company's revenue in the first quarter of 2017 amounted to USD3,723,230. As for the company's gross profit is expected to improve this year compared to the previous year due to the fixed operational costs. While EBIDA 2017 is also expected to improve so sufficient the company's liabilities to operating expenses and the bank.
PT Pelayaran Tamarin Samudra Tbk itself listed its shares in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on May 10, 2017 with the code TAMU. The company's initial share price of Rp 110. The company managed to raise funds amounting to Rp82, 5 billion and will be used as working capital.
"Business climate in this field on 2017 is better," said Director of PT Pelayaran Tamarin Samudra Tbk, Leo A Tangkilisan during General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS) in Jakarta, recently.
He added, this was seen in first half of 2017, in which the company's condition began to improve. Annualized revenue in 2017 compared to 2016 was a performance improvement. This happens because the increase in charter rate is due to the rise in oil prices at the level of USD 45-50 per barrel.
"The company has been trying to escape the pressure in 2016 with successful increase of the company's ship utilization and operationally. The company maximally performs efficiently in all fields including with restructured bank loans in order to maintain cash flow which is healthy," explained the man who also serves as Corporate Secretary of this company.
He explained, at the end of 2015 to June 2016, price of crude oil fell, so the government asked for a decrease in cost of work. As a result, the contract rate already deal is also asked to be lowered.
"But, we can survive, and in May 2017 we can register in the stock market," said Leo.
Described, the company's revenue in the first quarter of 2017 amounted to USD3,723,230. As for the company's gross profit is expected to improve this year compared to the previous year due to the fixed operational costs. While EBIDA 2017 is also expected to improve so sufficient the company's liabilities to operating expenses and the bank.
PT Pelayaran Tamarin Samudra Tbk itself listed its shares in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on May 10, 2017 with the code TAMU. The company's initial share price of Rp 110. The company managed to raise funds amounting to Rp82, 5 billion and will be used as working capital.