Ooppss...Members of Parliament Official Residence Became Basic Foods Warehouse

Senin, 17 April 2017 - 22:02 WIB
Ooppss...Members of...
Ooppss...Members of Parliament Official Residence Became Basic Foods Warehouse
JAKARTA - Members of Parliament official residence should not used as a storage warehouse for distribution of basic foods for success team Jakarta governoor candidate for distribute to citizens of Jakarta. If that happens, that's the violation of law.

"It was a violation of the law," said Deputy Speaker of House, Fadli Zon in Parliament building, Jakarta, Monday (17/4).

According to him, the Election Supervisory Bo
ard (Bawaslu) Jakarta obliged to follow up a report on the findings of the official residence of members of the House as the staple of food stockpiles.

"I think that should not be it, state property is set in the Act, should not be used for the sake of winning and others," said this Gerindra

Moreover, he said, the distribution of b
asic food to residents of Jakarta by succes team is a form of desecration of democracy.

"The honest
and fair democracy humiliated by giving out basic food means a popular vote would be purchased with it, and this is a violation of the law and the constitution," he said.

He also encourages the sharing of
basic food should investigated.

"It should be immediately arrested the culprit, this money politics, those who divide the
basic food it is a violation of the law, so it should be arrested," he said.

Furthermore, he said, if the police are not able to catch the perpetrators, then the public should catch it.

"Leave it to the authorities," he concluded.
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