This Steps for Umrah Organizers Blocked Human Trafficking and Terrorism

Kamis, 16 Maret 2017 - 12:23 WIB
This Steps for Umrah...
This Steps for Umrah Organizers Blocked Human Trafficking and Terrorism
JAKARTA - Practice misuse of Umrah visa now become a new mode of human trafficking crimes. Some Umrah travel services became restless because their names could potentially misused for visa without permission. Not only that, Umrah is also often used as the mode for the perpetrators of terrorism who want to join ISIS.

"In addition to the implementation of good quality, should also be special attention to the threat of smuggling and trafficking crimes committed by irresponsible parties," said Director General of Hajj and Umrah, Ministry of Religious Affairs, H. Abdul Djamil in 'Human Trafficking Crimes Simposium' event in Jakarta Wednesday (15/3).

In the same place, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Hajj Umrah and Inbound (Asphurindo), Syam Resfiady cautioned Umrah travel services to always be cautious and aware of the two modes above.

"Be vigilant to avoid those who always try to exploit umroh path as a mode of human trafficking and terrorism," said Syam.

Chief of Unit IV of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons Directorate General Crime, Criminal Investigation Police, Senior Ajd Commisioner Julianto Sirait added that human trafficking is often done in a certain amount and are not always great. For that, he hopes to inform managers of travel cooperate condition pilgrims in the Holy Land.

"If there is any difference between leaving and returning beg, alerted police," said Julianto.

Based on experience, plus Julianto, trafficking victims usually get shelter and employed without official permission as an accomplice.

The number of Umrah pilgrims who choose to live in Saudi Arabia exceeds the prescribed time limit is often a problem for travel companies. If not anticipated, the matter would be detrimental to the
Umrah travel service provider.
This Steps for Umrah Organizers Blocked Human Trafficking and Terrorism

For this thing, Chairman of Foreign Affairs Asphurindo, Syahrul Tahir admitted his side had no way anticipated. You do this by holding the passports of travel Umrah pilgrims.

"Preventive measures that we do is not handed over my passport to the congregation, so the they can not be everywhere," said Syahrul.

In addition to preventive measures that, Asphurindo also select members to registered in it. This effort is made to travel that are members of an officially licensed company of Religious Affairs.

"In addition, screening was also done by checking immigration documents," he said.

Assembly, which passed the period of validity of residence permit usually choose to separate themselves from the group. Jamaah breakaway usually join a radical group or choose to become illegal workers in Saudi Arabia.
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