New Ecosystem Emerging in ICT World

Jum'at, 26 Agustus 2016 - 19:45 WIB
New Ecosystem Emerging...
New Ecosystem Emerging in ICT World
JAKARTA - The development of technology and communications systems in the digital age very rapidly demanding their efficiency in the delivery of information from sources to recipients.

This thing be spotlight by Investama TRG, holding company and operating company in the ICT business groups, Property and Energy. In Management Talk entitled 'Outlook and Prospects of ICT Industry in Indonesia' with topic of Industrial Evolution, Market, Retail and Technology and Financing, Investama TRG seeks to discuss this.

"Efficiency in the form of speed of time in sending messages with optical fibers which can transmit information resource with a large capacity, whether it is the amount of data and speed. With this change, in the world of ICT has emerged a new ecosystem as well as a variety of solutions that are more efficient and give good impact to the nation in supporting the needs of government, institutions and people. Through good communication system, the government and the people will be connected to one another," said Bobby Rasyidin, CEO of PT TRG Investama Group on the sidelines Management Talk on Thursday (25/8).

New Ecosystem Emerging in ICT World

In the discussion that presents the ranks of top management TRG Group as a resource, such as the CEO of PT TRG Investama Group Bobby Rasyidin, CEO of PT Indonesia Cloud Noerman Taufik, as well as the Director of PT TRG Investama I Nengah Putra Winata, discussions related to the development of technology and communications systems in the digital age very
rapidly agreed requires efficiency in the delivery of information from sources to recipients.

"In order to realize the spirit of participation in the industry of information and communication technology, or commonly called ICTs, in 2007, PT TRG Investama present in Indonesia by providing various solutions in the business group ICT, Property and Energy," said I Nengah Putra Winata, Director PT TRG Investama.

Furthermore, I Nengah underlines that TRG Investama are professional players in the ICT industry is different from other companies, where connectivity is the most valuable investment.

Added Noerman Taufik, CEO of PT Indonesia Cloud, one of the largest subsidiary of the group, namely PT Indonesian Cloud has been known as a pioneer company that provides services for the provision of IT infrastructure and Cloud applications.

"With the commitment of the company that provides a variety of" new breakthrough "as did other subsidiaries, namely PT access Prima Indonesia engaged in the telecommunications industry by providing reliable solutions for smart broadband Indonesia ICT infrastructure in order to support the advancement of the nation," he explained.

In 2015, TRG Investama were joined by three other companies, namely PT Len Industri, PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara, PT Bina Nusantara Perkasa consortium Five Pandavas successfully carry out the construction and refineries backbone network of fiber-optic Palapa Ring middle package, which the consortium formed a company with name Len Telekomunikasi Indonesia for executing the project from the ministry of communication and Information for the provision of
nationwide telecommunications services benefits of better communication to the government and people of Indonesia.
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