Lack of Youth Involvement, This Analogy of New PARFI Chairman Candidate

Jum'at, 26 Agustus 2016 - 18:05 WIB
Lack of Youth Involvement,...
Lack of Youth Involvement, This Analogy of New PARFI Chairman Candidate
JAKARTA - Indonesian Film Artist Association (PARFI) held its congress in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) 26 to 28 August 2016. Unfortunately, this event is still thick with the 'struggle' of the seniors.

This is evident from the two candidates for the chairman. There are only two names competing to become PARFI
coriander in next period, the incumbent Aa Gatot Brajamusti and Andryega da Silva.

lways indeed (the struggle between, red) older generation because of its young people rarely want to get involved. Hopefully now with the Andry as a candidate, young people want to get involved. Come on, we invite young people to get involved,"said senior actor, Roy Marten in Jakarta, recently.

Roy also confirmed the classic problem in PARFI is the lack of involvement of young people.

"Yes, but let it be. Later, when they see the organization useful, they will come," said Roy.

He asked anyone who was elected after the congress should be respected.

"Do not split, unite, support whoever is elected," he said.

In same place, as a candidate for chairman, Andryega own claim to want to show PARFI could be of interest to members. In other words, man who familiarly called Andry want to restore the organization
branded to lure its members to return to take part.

"My analogy, PARFI like a cake, how this cake would be considered good when the packaging and the scent does not look good. If it looks good the new buyers will come. That's my philosophy related to this," said Andry.
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