After Examined, Novel Disappointed

Senin, 14 Agustus 2017 - 23:19 WIB
After Examined, Novel...
After Examined, Novel Disappointed
SINGAPORE - Corruption Eradication Commission investigator (KPK), Novel Baswedan has been examined by Jakarta Police investigator at 17.00 Singapore time. When examined, Novel conveyed additional information, which essentially expressed his disappointment with the investigation process.

One of Novel's disappointments because police published key witnesses in this case.

"Police should protect and keep key witnesses for safe and informed," said Alghiffari Aqsa, director of Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH), who is also a Novel advocacy team via written statement on Monday (14/8).

Novel, Aghiffari continued, considers the investigator to rush to conclude the alibi of the suspect and publish the conclusion.

This seemed to cover certain parties, including two so-called witnesses which spying on Novel in front of his home. After being examined and tested the alibi, the two men are the group of "Mata Elang".

"Though many people tell not so and among these people there are trying to enter my house by pretending to buy men's robe," said Novel as submitted Alghiffari.

In addition, Novel was disappointed that no fingerprints were found in the cup used to water his face. In fact, fingerprint evidence is very important to reveal the culprit.

Novel, said Alghiffari, considers the previous investigator to keep his family from distance and not to issue a Notice of Progress on Investigations (SP2HP).

To the investigator, Novel said he had been told by members of the Anti-Terrorism Special Detachment (Densus) 88 that investigated and found indications of the perpetrators.

Alghiffari said the Densus 88 member also sent an alleged of the perpetrator
photo. Novel sends the photo to his sister to be shown to people around the scene, whether they recognize the photo.

"The result is a lot of people who recognize the photos and they believe the person as the perpetrator," said Alghiffari.

The photo was even sent by Novel to Chief of Jakarta Police at that time, Muhammad Iriawan and Director of General Criminal Jakarta Police, Commissioner Rudy Heryanto on April 19, 2017.

For known, Jakarta P
olice investigator questioned Novel Baswedan at the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore for the acid attack against him.
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