Unqualified Opinion Stimulate Public Confidence

Jum'at, 26 Mei 2017 - 00:11 WIB
Unqualified Opinion...
Unqualified Opinion Stimulate Public Confidence
JAKARTA - Following the footsteps that have been achieved since 2001, financial report of Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas) in 2016 is again earned a Unqualified Opinion (WTP).

The achievement of WTP title this time completes the same achievement in previous years since Baznas founded. Predicate of WTP for Baznas proves this government institution that is trusted and accountable in managing finances.

"The predicate of WTP is result of the public accountant's examination of the financial statements prepared by accounting standards and audited using the zakat accounting audit norms of PSAK 109 of 2012," Baznas Chairman, Bambang Sudibyo said in Jakarta on Wednesday (24/5).

He said that as a non-structural government institution, Baznas will always maintain accountability and financial transparency. Because, Baznas assigned to manage funds of people in accordance with the Act No. 23 of 2011 on the Management of Zakat.

"By continuing to get the predicate of WTP, people will increasingly entrust Zakat, infak and alms through Baznas," he said.

According to him, if public confidence to Baznas increasing, it will be more mustahik (zakat reciever) who receive the benefits.

As reported, WTP Predicate achieved by Baznas refers to the evaluation of Public Accountant Office, Ahmad Raharjo No. 039/AT/ GA-LAI /2017 dated April 13, 2017.
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