17 New Ambassador will Take Four Political Missions Jokowi Government
Senin, 13 Maret 2017 - 18:34 WIB

17 New Ambassador will Take Four Political Missions Jokowi Government
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to friendly countries at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday (13/3).
From number of new ambassador there are several names that are already known by public as the former Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, Yuddy Chrisnandi which placed in Embassy of Ukraine in Kiev.
There was also the member of Parliament from Golkar Party, Tantowi Yahya. He will be stationed as Ambassador to New Zealand at Indonesian Embassy in Wellington.
There is also the name of a political observer from Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Ikrar Nusa Bhakti. Pledge placed as Ambassador to the Embassy of Tunisia in Tunis, as well as Damansjah Jumala who is Chief Secretary to the President at Embassy in Vienna, Austria.
Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi said the new ambassador will take four political missions abroad government Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla (JK).
"There are four priority missions of our foreign policy," said Retno at the Palace.
She explained, the first mission of the ambassador are required to maintain the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. Second, it provides protection against Indonesian citizen (WNI) who are outside the country.
Furthermore, the ambassador diplomacy in the economic field. And fourth, is playing a Indonesia role in region and the world.
"So all the ambassadors who will be assigned is a mission, and this mission is a mission of the President who is revealed to be the our foreign policy mission," she concluded.
This 17 names who will be sworn in as Ambassador:
1. Drs Hasan Kleib, MA as the Ambassador to Switzerland Embassy in Geneva
2. Drs Priyo Iswanto, MA as the Ambassador for the Embassy of Colombia in Bogota
3. Major General (Ret) Dr. Ir Arief Rachman, MM, MBA, as the Ambassador for the Embassy of Afghanistan in Kabul
4. Drs Rahmat Pramono, MA, as the Ambassador to the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Astana
5. Prof Dr Ikrar Nusa Bhakti, as Ambassador to the Embassy of Tunisia in Tunis
6. Drs Rahardjo, as Ambassador to the Embassy of Bahrain in Manama
7. Tantowi Yahya as Ambassador to New Zealand Embassy in Wellington
8. Drs Darmansjah Djumala, MA, as Ambassador to Austria at the Embassy in Vienna
9. Drs Sahat Sitorus, as Ambassador to Timor-Leste in the Indonesian Embassy in Dili
10. John Drs Soeryo Kristiarto Legowo, as Ambassador to Australia at the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra
11. Drs Umar Hadi, MA, as the Ambassador to South Korea Embassy in Seoul
12. Drs I Gusti Ngurah Ardiyasa, as Ambassador to Sri Lanka at the Embassy in Colombo
13. Prof Dr Yuddy Chrisnandi, ME, as Ambassador to the Embassy of Ukraine in Kiev
14. Ir Arifin Tasrif, nominated as Ambassador to the Embassy of Japan in Tokyo
15. Drs Andy Rachmianto, M.Phil, as Ambassador to the Embassy of Jordan in Amman
16. Dra RA Esti Andayani, as Ambassador to the Italian Embassy in Rome
17. The Commissioner General of Police (Retired) Sjahroedin Pagaralam Zainal, SH, as Ambassador to Croatia in the Embassy in Zagreb.
From number of new ambassador there are several names that are already known by public as the former Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, Yuddy Chrisnandi which placed in Embassy of Ukraine in Kiev.
There was also the member of Parliament from Golkar Party, Tantowi Yahya. He will be stationed as Ambassador to New Zealand at Indonesian Embassy in Wellington.
There is also the name of a political observer from Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Ikrar Nusa Bhakti. Pledge placed as Ambassador to the Embassy of Tunisia in Tunis, as well as Damansjah Jumala who is Chief Secretary to the President at Embassy in Vienna, Austria.
Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi said the new ambassador will take four political missions abroad government Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla (JK).
"There are four priority missions of our foreign policy," said Retno at the Palace.
She explained, the first mission of the ambassador are required to maintain the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. Second, it provides protection against Indonesian citizen (WNI) who are outside the country.
Furthermore, the ambassador diplomacy in the economic field. And fourth, is playing a Indonesia role in region and the world.
"So all the ambassadors who will be assigned is a mission, and this mission is a mission of the President who is revealed to be the our foreign policy mission," she concluded.
This 17 names who will be sworn in as Ambassador:
1. Drs Hasan Kleib, MA as the Ambassador to Switzerland Embassy in Geneva
2. Drs Priyo Iswanto, MA as the Ambassador for the Embassy of Colombia in Bogota
3. Major General (Ret) Dr. Ir Arief Rachman, MM, MBA, as the Ambassador for the Embassy of Afghanistan in Kabul
4. Drs Rahmat Pramono, MA, as the Ambassador to the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Astana
5. Prof Dr Ikrar Nusa Bhakti, as Ambassador to the Embassy of Tunisia in Tunis
6. Drs Rahardjo, as Ambassador to the Embassy of Bahrain in Manama
7. Tantowi Yahya as Ambassador to New Zealand Embassy in Wellington
8. Drs Darmansjah Djumala, MA, as Ambassador to Austria at the Embassy in Vienna
9. Drs Sahat Sitorus, as Ambassador to Timor-Leste in the Indonesian Embassy in Dili
10. John Drs Soeryo Kristiarto Legowo, as Ambassador to Australia at the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra
11. Drs Umar Hadi, MA, as the Ambassador to South Korea Embassy in Seoul
12. Drs I Gusti Ngurah Ardiyasa, as Ambassador to Sri Lanka at the Embassy in Colombo
13. Prof Dr Yuddy Chrisnandi, ME, as Ambassador to the Embassy of Ukraine in Kiev
14. Ir Arifin Tasrif, nominated as Ambassador to the Embassy of Japan in Tokyo
15. Drs Andy Rachmianto, M.Phil, as Ambassador to the Embassy of Jordan in Amman
16. Dra RA Esti Andayani, as Ambassador to the Italian Embassy in Rome
17. The Commissioner General of Police (Retired) Sjahroedin Pagaralam Zainal, SH, as Ambassador to Croatia in the Embassy in Zagreb.