Delete Article Which Restrictive to Socialize Pregnancy Prevention and Transmission of HIV-AIDS

Kamis, 29 Desember 2016 - 01:46 WIB
Delete Article Which...
Delete Article Which Restrictive to Socialize Pregnancy Prevention and Transmission of HIV-AIDS
BANDUNG - Draft Book of the Law (RUU) Criminal Law (KUHP) Article 481 and 483, about contraception, considered counterproductive to the Family Planning (KB) as well as other public health, such as reproductive health and the prevention of transmission of HIV-AIDS in Indonesia.

from AIDS
Helathcare Foundation (AHF) Indonesia, Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association (IPPA), and the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) invites activists public health program to participate in escorting the issue of revision of this Criminal Law, as well as encourage the elimination of these two articles.

"We fully support the removal of article 481 and 483 of the Criminal Law (KUHP) which is currently discussed in Commission II of the House of Representatives," said Country Program Manager AHF Indonesia, Riki Febrian in a public discussion entitled "Criminal Law
Revised Threaten HIV-AIDS Program' in Bandung, Wednesday (28/12).

He explained, in article 481 revision of the Criminal Law stated that "any person who unlawfully openly demonstrates a means of preventing pregnancy, openly or unsolicited offers or openly with the broadcast writing without being asked, showed to be able to obtain the tools the pregnancy prevention, liable to a fine of not more appropriate category I ".

"With the threat of criminal categories I itself, in the draft Criminal Law is included in the misdemeanor be fined Rp 10 million," he said.

Meanwhile, continued Riki, they are entitled to provide information on contraception under Article 483, which is only authorized personnel. In other words, community groups such as health workers or NGO activists commonly engaged in reproductive health education or HIV-AIDS, are not granted rights as regulated articles.

"However, we can see clearly play a crucial role in the public health program. People who become health workers, or those who are active in community or NGO very big role in the dissemination of contraceptives, as a precaution against the dangers of HIV-AIDS," he said.

Riki added, in addition to threatening the sustainability of family planning programs, the article also potentially threaten the health program of prevention of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV-AIDS.

In addition, said Riki if they were convicted of providing information about how to prevent the transmission of STIs and HIV through the use of contraceptives, it is to control the disease will be more severe.

"If everything is handed over to an authorized officer or government under article 483 Criminal Code, it is feared the power would not be sufficient," he concluded.
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