Insight, Livi Two Different Elements

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016 - 05:57 WIB
Insight, Livi Two Different...
Insight, Livi Two Different Elements
JAKARTA - After directorial debut in 'Brush with Danger', Indonesian young director, Livi Zheng immediately release her latest film titled 'Insight'. In this film, Livi tried to incorporate different elements, story of a sixth sense and add typical of Indonesia martial arts moves.

"A sharp intuition, which makes one able to see things that ordinary people can not see. It is one of which underlies the title of 'Insight', deep knowledge," said Livi which could take a long time to determine title of this movie in Jakarta, Tuesday (9/8).

Livi also took fighting actor, Yayan Ruhiyan as a fighting choreographer to add silat -typical of Indonesia martial arts- moves in this action thriller film. There are three figthing scenes with 10 minutes duration which added.

"For 10 minutes, the process took 10 days," explained Yayan.

Despite trying to put martial arts, yayan did not impose 'Insight' actor to actually perform the scenes according martial arts moves.

"The same is the pattern of steps. And rest of that, I do not require same with the martial arts movement," said Yayan.

Insight, Livi Two Different Elements

'Insight' itself tells about two male fighters, Jian and his brother, Bao who had an extraordinary talent for future viewing. From birth, they have keen intuition, which enables them to see things that ordinary people can not see.

Having not seen for several years, Bao was found dead when he was in US. Jian did not stay silent. He flew to the US to investigate further the cause of death Bao. The investigation began.

A detective woman, Abby, have intervened in the case. The detective did not believe the uncanny ability possessed this fighter at first. But, by little, crime began to appear.

By risking her life, they reveal the murder cases one by one and unmask the corrupt police officers. Together they seek justice and face the world's powerful mafia conspiracy that requires Jian uses the power of intuition to finished the criminals.

This film will be aired first in the US in December 2016 and in early 2017 will be aired in Indonesia.

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