Labor Day, Jakarta Will Crowd Today!

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016 - 03:47 WIB
Labor Day, Jakarta Will...
Labor Day, Jakarta Will Crowd Today!
JAKARTA - The masses of workers in commemoration of Labor Day May 1, 2016 will entered Jakarta via four routes.

Jakarta Police (Polda Metro Jaya) said the first route through the eastern region, namely Bekasi, Karawang, Pulogadung, which will be directed through the Cempaka Putih, Senen, Tugu Tani monument to the eastern region. Then, from the south of Bogor and its surroundings, would be directed past the Jagorawi or Jalan Raya Bogor out Tegal parang Toll-Rasuna Said-Tjokroaminoto-Tugu Tani-East Monas.

While the route west of Tangerang-Banten will be directed past the Tomang-Juanda-Veteran-monument, with locations in Monas park, IRTI Field, Masjid Istiqlal, Lapangan Banteng, and Senayan East Parking. Another route is the mass that go directly to the Bung Karno Stadium (GBK) via Jalan Gatot Subroto and GBK enter through door 7 or 8.

On International Labor Day in 2016, the Indonesian working simultaneously filed four things.

First, reject the wage cost, the revocation of Government Regulation No. 78 Year 2015 on Equal Remuneration and raise the minimum wage in 2017 amounted to 650 thousand. Second, stop the criminalization of labor and social activists and stop the refuse reclamation, evictions and tax amnesty bill.

Fourth, the declaration of the public organization of labor as a political force or a pressure group which consists of labor, temporary teacher, students and fishermen.

Chairman of the National Workers Union (SPN), Kusmawan Iwan stated that the workers came from areas far from Jakarta, such as Central Java and East Java, this evening had started leaving for the capital.

"From Central Java and East Java, there are representatives joined the workers who came from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Banten and West Java. The thousands of workers, "said Iwan at Saturday night (30/4).

Iwan said, thousands of workers from the area started to move this Saturday night by using a variety of cars and trains. Iwan claims of workers who will take action SPN reach 10 thousand people. The total number of workers from various labor organizations reached 100 thousand people.

They come from a combination of various labor organizations such as the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI), the Preparatory Committee of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Struggle (KP KPBI), and the Confederation of All Indonesian Workers' Union (KSPSI).

"All the workers gathered in accordance with locations already determined that the palace, Parliament and Horse Statue Indosat. From all points of locations that later they all march toward GBK, "said Iwan.

Workers from the National Workers Union, he said, will be demonstrating at the Parliament Building before heading GBK.

"Central of meeting point in GBK, everything later fused in GBK," he said.

Iwan continued, all workers tomorrow at 09.00 am had started arriving from different directions.

"The event will be opened at 11.00 am were in the House of Parlement (DPR) and in the Palace at 12.00 pm," he said.
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