99 Percent Women in Myanmar Never Seen Her Vagina

Kamis, 10 Desember 2015 - 18:48 WIB
99 Percent Women in...
99 Percent Women in Myanmar Never Seen Her Vagina
RANGOON - There is a surprising fact of women in Myanmar related to sex education. They are very taboo against sex education. In fact, the majority of women in this country epithet Land of Gold had never seen her vagina itself. Heavy work to erode the people of Myanmar will taboo sex education.

As released by ABC News, Zin Min Thu hasn't worked up the nerve to tell her father the full truth about her job as a sex education teacher, but that hasn't stopped her going to work.

This 26 year old women is part of a new push to break down the taboos and bizarre misconceptions about women's bodies that continue to hold sway in much of Myanmar, a country of 52 million that was largely closed to the outside world for 60 years.

In 2012 there began a process of opening up and modernising. The internet has spread into the lives of ordinary Burmese people, and now local sex ed teachers are trying to share a simple message:

"Knowing about our sexuality and knowing about our bodies, and also knowing that the spice of [being a] human being, sexuality does not harm our life. Sexuality also makes benefits for us", Zin Min Thu says.

"It's changing me and making me confident and powerful".

There is a long way to go. One superstition is that some women's clothing can sap men of their masculine power if it's washed with their laundry, or hung to dry in too high a position.

Not to mention that fact that a local English language newspaper was forced to apologise for printing the word 'vagina' earlier in 2015.

Slowly, programs are creeping in to fight the myths, giving adult Burmese women and men factual information about their bodies, as well as broaching completely new topics, such as female masturbation.

Burmese woman Htar Htar founded Akhaya Women, one of the organisations running those workshops in Myanmar.

She says the topic of sex in itself is still a big taboo.

"We don't talk about sex. We don't even talk the word sex. So we need to practice saying it."

Akhaya Women has already taught two and a half thousand people, mainly women, many of whom have passed on those lessons back at home.

Htar Htar says some of the myths are dangerous for women.

"It is the main cause of gender inequality in Myanmar. For example, we don't know what blood it is, so we think this blood, period blood, menstrual blood, is very dirty and rotten. It is not a fresh blood. Because of this blood is dirty, women are considered to be lower than men," she said.

That view that women are lower than men because of their periods has lead to some strange and discriminatory practices.

"We don't wash together with men clothes and women's clothes. And after you wash it you have to hang it, so all the other things can be hanged in the upper string, but the women has to be on the lowest string".

If they touch together and do it in the same pile, men will lose their glory or power or status," says Htar Htar.

As well as covering the basics, the classes at Akhaya teach women about female masturbation.

"We connect it with child development. Children touch [themselves] to learn about it. They want to do it because they feel good. So we introduce it as a way of normalising it. and they start to realise, 'Oh!'", says Htar Hrar.

It's a radical process for most of the women who take part.

"99 percent of women in Myanmar, we have never seen our vagina."

According to Htar Htar "sometimes we didn't even know we have two holes; one for pee, and one for menstrual period and delivery".

"This happened to many women who already have two or three kids".
at are you talking about and what are you thinking about me. So stop thinking, and stop chasing me! They're afraid of me I think".
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