If Not Match, Cancel Purchase Sukhoi SU-35

Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017 - 18:51 WIB
If Not Match, Cancel...
If Not Match, Cancel Purchase Sukhoi SU-35
JAKARTA - Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) plans to buy 11 Sukhoi SU-35 Combat Aircraft in accordance with the requirements submitted by the Air Force. Procurement of defense equipment is to strengthen national air defense.

TNI Commander, Gatot Nurmantyo said that the upcoming Sukhoi SU-35 would be in accordance with the specs filed by Chief of Air Force. He pointed out, is ready for combat with equipped weaponry air to air missile, air to ground missile, bomb, ground suport equipment, simulator, spare parts including backup machine.

"If the Sukhoi plane that comes is not in accordance with the spec requested by Chief of Air Force, then I ordered to be canceled and if it is accepted it means that I'm and Chief of Air Force carry out the incubordination to President Joko Widodo," he said after inaugurating the construction of housing, educational facilities and barracks of soldiers at Yonkav 7 Headquarters, Jakarta on Tuesday (31/10).

Gatot said that the TNI had sent a letter to the Ministry of Defense with a copy to President. In a limited meeting, he continued, the President had ordered that the fighter being purchased was ready Sukhoi SU-35.

"Hopefully the 11 Sukhoi planes will be equipped in accordance with the weapon required by the Air Force, which is the motivation of the TNI in buying fighters from Russia," he said.

In addition to buying Sukhoi SU-35 from Russia, TNI has also purchased the F-16 Fighter and Apache Helicopters from the United States (US), all equipped with weapons. In addition, the TNI also ordered other from China and European countries.
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