Need Cheap Hotels in High and Peak Season? This e-Commerce Can Give Solution

Jum'at, 29 September 2017 - 17:46 WIB
Need Cheap Hotels in...
Need Cheap Hotels in High and Peak Season? This e-Commerce Can Give Solution
JAKARTA - If you have traveling hobby but difficult to find a reliable travel service provider and trusted, currently no need to be confused. Now, travel app booking providers, Traveljinni provides online platform that pampers users to book hotels and find attractive package deals for travel needs.

"We also provide star hotel booking with cheap price, even in last minute. The price we give is even more slant compared to other platform because we have a cooperation with hotel," explains CEO & Traveljinni Chief Developer, Josef Boediarto in Jakarta, recently.

He added, difficult to find a cheap hotel especially during high season or peak season always a big problem for lovers of traveling.

"In Traveljinni there is nothing that we cover up, if there is an empty room, yes there is. Even we already have cooperation with the hotel, for members who booked above 8 pm, we give the price 50 percent," said Josef.

Josef added, Traveljinni also has its own differentiation and even more value compared with other e-commerce.

"We had sharing profit system, so the profit we get will be returned again to the members who later they can use for anything. Also would be exchanged anything," said Josef.

The convenience offered by Traveljinni is also welcomed by actor Ferry Salim. According to him, what is given Traveljinni very helpful in channeling his traveling hobby.

"I can still decide something for 24 hours. If want to go anytime, we no longer feel worried," said Ferry.
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