Jonru Ginting Officially as Hate Speech Suspect

Jum'at, 29 September 2017 - 13:50 WIB
Jonru Ginting Officially...
Jonru Ginting Officially as Hate Speech Suspect
JAKARTA - Social media activist, Jon Riah Ukur Ginting alias Jonru Ginting officially as suspect in case of hate speech by the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of Jakarta Police. Jonru is subject to the Electronic Information and Transaction Act (UU ITE).

Jonru was reported by Muannas Alaidid because had uploaded content that allegedly insulted President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Kombes Argo Yuwono justify the determination of the status of suspects at Jonru.

"Last night after the title of the case raised its status to be a suspect," he said on Friday (29/9).

But Argo has yet to reveal any further details about the arrests. According to him the arrest and determination of Jonru as a suspect is the authority of the Investigator.

Meanwhile, Jonru lawyer, Djudju Purwanto justify if his client undergo examination since Thursday, September 28, 2017 afternoon. However, he assessed, the police seem to force the case because it's so short.

"Actually from the process of investigation, suddenly the suspect, immediately arrested, forced it," he said in Jakarta, Friday (29/9).

According to him, after the suspect was set, Jonru again checked. In fact, he said, the client's process is still in the stage of investigation, so it should be a witness status. Thus, he sees his client's case imposed with the allegation of Article 28 paragraph 2 of the ITE Law, a threat over 5 years.

"If it is like that, always investigators so have a very repressive, extraordinary and subjective decision," he said.
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