Impossible Control Al Quran Procurement Without Interference from Members of The House
Jum'at, 04 Agustus 2017 - 00:51 WIB

Impossible Control Al Quran Procurement Without Interference from Members of The House
JAKARTA - Accused of corruption procurement of Al Quran and Laboratory in the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Fahd El Fouz alias Fahd A Rafiq, re-reveal some names of members of the House who receive illicit money from cases that ensnare him.
According to Fahd, all members of Commission VIII period 2011-2012 received ill-gotten money. Fahd requested that the KPK investigate thoroughly the parties who receive the flow of money from corruption procurement of Al Quran and laboratory.
"Already delivered by Pak Zulkarnaen Djabar (convicted of corruption in Al Quran) in the testimony of that time, all involved must be revealed, so the case is not political," Fahd said when met at the Corruption Court Jakarta, Central Jakarta, Thursday (3/8).
Furthermore, Fahd said it was impossible for him to control the Quran procurement project without any interference from members of the House.
According to him, in the process of budget discussions in the House of Representatives Commission VIII and House Budget Agency, has determined the quota or weight that will be received by each member of the board. Transfer of money through each head of the fraction group in Commission VIII DPR.
"If anyone says it's a Golkar project, it's wrong. It's a project together with all parties and all parties receive the money," he said.
As is known, one of the names that are widely accepted to receive the flow of money is the former Speaker of the House from Golkar faction, Priyo Budi Santoso.
Prio called receiving money from Fahd through Dendy Prasetia Zulkarnaen Putra as Secretary General of Gema MKGR. It was confirmed Syamsurachman in his testimony in the continuing trial of the case in the Corruption Court Jakarta.
In this case, Fahd was indicted along with members of the House Budgeting Body of Zulkarnaen Djabar and his son Dendy Prasetia Zulkarnaen Putra. The three received bribes amounting to Rp14,3 billion because it has made PT Batu Karya Mas as the winner in the laboratory computer procurement work.
Then, making PT Adhi Aksara Abadi Indonesia as the winner in Quran procurement work in 2011. In addition, PT Sinergi Pustaka Indonesia won the Al Quran procurement work in 2012.
According to Fahd, all members of Commission VIII period 2011-2012 received ill-gotten money. Fahd requested that the KPK investigate thoroughly the parties who receive the flow of money from corruption procurement of Al Quran and laboratory.
"Already delivered by Pak Zulkarnaen Djabar (convicted of corruption in Al Quran) in the testimony of that time, all involved must be revealed, so the case is not political," Fahd said when met at the Corruption Court Jakarta, Central Jakarta, Thursday (3/8).
Furthermore, Fahd said it was impossible for him to control the Quran procurement project without any interference from members of the House.
According to him, in the process of budget discussions in the House of Representatives Commission VIII and House Budget Agency, has determined the quota or weight that will be received by each member of the board. Transfer of money through each head of the fraction group in Commission VIII DPR.
"If anyone says it's a Golkar project, it's wrong. It's a project together with all parties and all parties receive the money," he said.
As is known, one of the names that are widely accepted to receive the flow of money is the former Speaker of the House from Golkar faction, Priyo Budi Santoso.
Prio called receiving money from Fahd through Dendy Prasetia Zulkarnaen Putra as Secretary General of Gema MKGR. It was confirmed Syamsurachman in his testimony in the continuing trial of the case in the Corruption Court Jakarta.
In this case, Fahd was indicted along with members of the House Budgeting Body of Zulkarnaen Djabar and his son Dendy Prasetia Zulkarnaen Putra. The three received bribes amounting to Rp14,3 billion because it has made PT Batu Karya Mas as the winner in the laboratory computer procurement work.
Then, making PT Adhi Aksara Abadi Indonesia as the winner in Quran procurement work in 2011. In addition, PT Sinergi Pustaka Indonesia won the Al Quran procurement work in 2012.