1,500 US Dollar, Price for ISIS Sex Slaves in Mosul

Selasa, 18 Juli 2017 - 23:00 WIB
1,500 US Dollar, Price...
1,500 US Dollar, Price for ISIS Sex Slaves in Mosul
MOSUL - A chilling document found in the liberated Iraqi city of Mosul claims to reveal how ISIS bosses organised and controlled the selling of captured woman as sex slaves.

The 'bill of sale' signed with fingerprints by the buyer and seller to authenticate the deal, describes the woman in stark, matter of fact terms as 20 years old, physically fit with brown eyes and bearing price of $1,500 or around £1,145.

It claims the man accused of selling the woman was a slave was called Abu Zubair and the buyer was named as Abu Monem. The document was found circulating on social media, though its authenticity could not be independently verified.

Most of the people traded by the terror group are from the Yazidi minority group – classed as citizens without rights due to their alleged anti-Islamic beliefs.

And disturbing facts are emerging from ISIS-controlled areas about the trade in Yazidi children.

It is believed that 6,470 Yazidis who were kidnapped by ISIS when the militant group attacked Sinjar in August 2014. While most of the men were killed and dumped in mass graves, Yazidi women and children were abducted and sold into slavery.

Younger children changed hands for around $500 – £381 – and were sold to couples who could not have children to be brought up as Muslims.

Older boys were forced to train as fighters – or were sold on as house slaves if they were unfit for the frontline. One youngster – now liberated – said he was handed to a family for just $60 – £45 – after being shot and wounded in 2014.

“The family used to take me to the market and made me carry all the groceries. And inside the house, I had to do chores all day,” he said.
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