Showed Neat Game, Indonesia U-16 Beated Singapore U-16

Jum'at, 09 Juni 2017 - 02:42 WIB
Showed Neat Game, Indonesia...
Showed Neat Game, Indonesia U-16 Beated Singapore U-16
CIKARANG - Not only managed to beat, Indonesia U-16 national team also managed to show a neat game when won 4-0 from Singapore U-16 at Mukti Wibawa Stadium, Cikarang, Thursday (8/6).

In the first half, Indonesia U-16 national team directly took the strike initiative since the early minutes. Fachri Husaini's team is slowly but surely pounding the Singapore U-16 defense.

This young Garuda fast game makes the back line of Singapore U-16 to be up and down. Unfortunately, efforts made by Indonesia U-16 national team still has not produced results.

Efforts made Indonesia U-16 national team, eventually scored goals. In minute 24, Brylian Negiehta break down Singapore goalkeeper U-16 who escorted Dylan Christopher.

Winning one goal did not make Indonesia U-16 national team relaxed its attack. Amiruddin Bagus and his friends still keep trying to double his position.

Coming to the end of the game both teams make a sale and purchase attacks. However, until the first half dispersed the benefits of Indonesia U-16 national team remained.

In the second half, Indonesia U-16 immediately kicked off. Minute 48, Sukra Yatul Fajra after taking advantage of mistakes made Singapore's defender U-16 added a goal.

Nine minutes after that, Indonesia U-16 national team re-widened the position after Fadilah Nur Rahman scored through the white point after the Singapore defender U-16 violated in forbidden box.

Behind three goals to make Singapore U-16 trying to get up. However, the meeting behind the Indonesian national team ranks cause them difficult to minimize the position.

Singapore goalkeeper U-16 goaled back by Indonesia
U-16 team for the fourth time. This time, is Yadi Mulyadi turn who listed his name on the scoreboard on 74 minutes.

The last few minutes of Indonesia U-16 national team more often bombard the Singapore U-16. But until the whistle completion of the fight, no more goals are created.

Line Up:
Indonesia U-16:
Ahluzd Dzikri Fikri, Liba Valentino Imwahyusyah, Muhammad Reza Fauzan, Amiruddin Bagus Kaffa Arrizqi, Fadilah Nur Rahman, Hamsa M. Lestaluhu, Kartika Verdayanto Putra, Brylian Negiehta Dwiki Aldama, Miftakhul Husyen Rahmatullah, Aisyah Rizky, Amiruddin Bagus Kahfi Alfikri.

Singapore U-16:
Dylan Christopher Goh Hsien Chun, Mohamad Syafiq Bin Mohamad Sani, Mohammad Irfan Bin Roslan, Muhammad Fathullah Bin Rahmat, Nicky Melvin Singh, Muhammad Ryaan Bin Sanzial, Imam Hakim Ibrahim, Muhammad Farhan Bin Zulkifli, Danish Qayyum Son Shahrin Azhar, Chua Zikos Vasileios Ming Xun, Marc Ryan Tan Wei Ming.
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