KPPU Considers Investigation Alleged Monopoly of AMDK is Worthy

Jum'at, 19 Mei 2017 - 07:11 WIB
KPPU Considers Investigation...
KPPU Considers Investigation Alleged Monopoly of AMDK is Worthy
JAKARTA - Second trial of alleged violation of Article 15 paragraph 3b and Article 19a and b of Law No. 5/1999 allegedly conducted by PT Tirta Investama and PT Balina Agung Perkasa was held by KPPU, Jakarta, Tuesday (16/5).

In this trial, KPPU investigation team, Helmi Nurjamil called PT Tirta Investama and PT Balina Agung Perkasa allegedly committed a violation based on the amount of evidence collected.

"Bringing to the hearing is not a hasty step, KPPU has found more than two evidences and articles that are suspected, it is very feasible to conduct a thorough investigation before holding the hearing," said Helmi, Thursday (18/5) ).

In this case, KPPU has found evidence of applied trade monopoly. One of them found evidence of communications via PT Tirta Investama and PT Balina Agung Perkasa email which pressed for large agents not to sell drinking water bottled (AMDK) production of PT Tirta Fresindo Jaya.

Separately, lawyer of PT Tirta Investama, Chandra Hamzah questioned allegations of business violations in KPPU trial on Tuesday.

His side, admitted to be surprised by the difference of information from the presentation submitted by the investigator at the first session of KPPU with what is stated in the official report document submitted by KPPU to Tirta Investama party.

"We feel that the presentation submitted in the past session tends to be insinuous and not in accordance with the official report we received, and we hope that the panel of judges can be fair in viewing the difference in the information presented in the KPPU investigator's presentation with the official documents received," Chandra as reported by

Chandra said, Tirta Investama legal advisory team now preparing a response to prove that the company, which has been operating for 44 years, has succeeded in building business in a way that adheres to business rules and ethics.
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