Significant, Pangandaran Become Best of New Autonomous Region

Jum'at, 28 April 2017 - 13:57 WIB
Significant, Pangandaran...
Significant, Pangandaran Become Best of New Autonomous Region
PANGANDARAN - Good news comes from the southern region of West Java. The results from Ministry of Home Affairs assessment of the Republic of Indonesia stated Pangandaran Regency as the best New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Indonesia.

After going through several stages of evaluating several New Autonomous Regions (DOB) over the past five years, Pangandaran is considered a significant development area.

"Out of 18 DOB in Indonesia, there are five districts that are expanding, such as North Borneo Province, Pangandaran Regency, South Manokwari District, West Papua Province, Arfa Barat Regency and Pesisir barat District," said Section Head of Sub Directorate of Regional Regulation of Directorate General Otda Ministry of
Internal Affairs (Kemendagri), Slamet Endarto, Friday (28/4).

In the fourth year, the development of 10 aspects as mandated by Permendagri 23/2010 on the procedures for evaluating the development of new autonomous regions indicates that 40 percent of New Autonomous Regions already have the infrastructure.

"Evaluation results in some new autonomous regions have three basic service elements to be undertaken including education, health and infrastructure," he added.

Endarto added that if Pangandaran regency is juxtaposed with Permendagri 23/2010, then the highest score score is 75 percent.

"Previously, Pangandaran Regency got a score of 40 percent and this year up 35 percent from the assessment of MoHA's 9 teams with different assessment areas," said Endarto.
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