Ahead of 'Kartini', Dian Sastro Blasphemed by Netizen

Ahead of 'Kartini', Dian Sastro Blasphemed by Netizen
JAKARTA - 'Kartini' movie playing in theaters began 19 April 2017. Many have been waiting for film directed by Hanung Bramantyo.
But, ahead of the screening of this women's emancipation fighters biopic, the actress figure of Kartini, Dian Sastrowardoyo get hot conversation in cyberspace. Dian was considered arrogant and turned down her fans for selfie.
"Actually, we do not hate, and very excited to want to watch it, but what! Behind the camera is so arrogant, until disgust for held her hand," said one netizen @efendylubiz in the comments field in Sastro Dian instagramnya account.
In later comments he said, "if this her behavior, do not have to watch the movie, hypocrites!"
Comments also came from @hersy_show. "From the beginning want to watch the 'Kartini' movie but become lazy cause that videos@ therealdiansastro clay,"
The number of netizens who are no longer interested in watching 'Kartini' make some netizens felt sorry for the director, Hanung Bramantyo.
"The more sorry for Hanung, many people do not want watch caused players. You're try a clever too. Respect work of Hanung, anyway not only watched DS," said @amethyst77777.
Responding the 'invasion' of netizen comments, director of 'Kartini', Hanung Bramantyo send apologize. He sure, Dian Sastrowardoyo did not mean to hurt anyone.
"As a 'Kartini' movie director, I apologize if any of my players are not polite with spectators or fans. We strive to always be good with anyone, but we are also human beings. We can also tired and not aware of our fatigue resulting attitude not good. I believe what the other players Dian and not deliberate. I'm sorry, forgive," wrote Hanung in the comments field.
Hanung may intend to cool the atmosphere. However, some netizens actually considers apology famous director was not quite right.
"How so Hanung apology, I'm still happy with Hanung films. Continued success for Hanung," said @irenirenaa.
"DS who should apologize," chimed @julieesetia.
But, ahead of the screening of this women's emancipation fighters biopic, the actress figure of Kartini, Dian Sastrowardoyo get hot conversation in cyberspace. Dian was considered arrogant and turned down her fans for selfie.
"Actually, we do not hate, and very excited to want to watch it, but what! Behind the camera is so arrogant, until disgust for held her hand," said one netizen @efendylubiz in the comments field in Sastro Dian instagramnya account.
In later comments he said, "if this her behavior, do not have to watch the movie, hypocrites!"
Comments also came from @hersy_show. "From the beginning want to watch the 'Kartini' movie but become lazy cause that videos@ therealdiansastro clay,"
The number of netizens who are no longer interested in watching 'Kartini' make some netizens felt sorry for the director, Hanung Bramantyo.
"The more sorry for Hanung, many people do not want watch caused players. You're try a clever too. Respect work of Hanung, anyway not only watched DS," said @amethyst77777.
Responding the 'invasion' of netizen comments, director of 'Kartini', Hanung Bramantyo send apologize. He sure, Dian Sastrowardoyo did not mean to hurt anyone.
"As a 'Kartini' movie director, I apologize if any of my players are not polite with spectators or fans. We strive to always be good with anyone, but we are also human beings. We can also tired and not aware of our fatigue resulting attitude not good. I believe what the other players Dian and not deliberate. I'm sorry, forgive," wrote Hanung in the comments field.
Hanung may intend to cool the atmosphere. However, some netizens actually considers apology famous director was not quite right.
"How so Hanung apology, I'm still happy with Hanung films. Continued success for Hanung," said @irenirenaa.
"DS who should apologize," chimed @julieesetia.