Hijaber Women Should Able to Show Her Talent

Rabu, 19 April 2017 - 03:47 WIB
Hijaber Women Should...
Hijaber Women Should Able to Show Her Talent
BEKASI - Who says if Bekasi city does not have a potential and positive talent. One of them is evidenced by the emergence of gifted talents that netted in Islamic dressed at Hijab Festival 2017, recently.

From 20 finalists, eventually elected Larasati
Adi Kirana, a student of Indonesian Banking School (IBS) for first winner.

"The election Larasati for first winner
by the jury caused meets the required criteria. Not only beauty, but also smart in dealing with various problems that occur in the vicinity," explained Director of Operational Viezendha Enterprises, Rosdah Winarni in Bekasi, recently.

Continued Rosdah, she
also wants captured the achievement of hijaber women should able to show her talent.

"Later, their talent and inner beauty will foster social life. We are proud to see women be independent and useful for the community," she added.

And first winner of Hijab Festival 2017, Larasati Adi Kirana admitted surprise managed to win in this event.

"The best achievement, I'm just got a three position in a similar event like this in 2015," she said.

Related use of hijab
motivated for women, Larasati assess veiled desire that comes from yourself should be highly appreciated.

"Not easy, because we have to be consistent. Hijab can not wear it then dislodged
and continue to wear again," said this 20-year student.

He also admitted still in the process towards the use of hijab syar'i which is actually not too must look fashionable.
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