Mappi Regional Elections Alleged Full of Fraud

Rabu, 29 Maret 2017 - 22:18 WIB
Mappi Regional Elections...
Mappi Regional Elections Alleged Full of Fraud
JAKARTA - Results of Recapitulation Plenary Meeting General Election Commissions (KPU) Mappi, Papua Province decided candidates Regent and Vice Regent number two, Kristosimus Agawemu-Jaya Ibnu Suud (Ritho-Jaya) ahead of three other candidate in Mappi elections on February 15, 2017 ago.

Then, the second most votes obtained by number one candidate, Aminadap Yumame-Stephen Yormogoin followed number three candidate, Eduardus Anoyeng-Andy Amar. Then number four candidate Stevanus Kaisma-Mustafa Salam.

But the results of the plenary meeting not immediately received a couple of other candidates.

Chairman of number one Mappi regent candidate winning team, Viktor Ohoiwuton deliver results Plenary Meeting of number two winning candidate is considered invalid because full alleged fraud perpetrated massive and structured manner.

"We have strong evidence of violations committed by candidate number two in a structured and massive," Victor said during the discussion and press conference with Mappi Care Activists in Jakarta, Monday (27/3).

Victor explained, possessed proof in the form of video recordings, sound recordings and their transcripts and photos, which show the cheating cheating candidate number two.

"We have a video recording of Chairman of Mappi Election Commission directing to win one regent and deputy regent candidate. And not only that, we also have evidence that one of candidates when the election still existed as a civil servant. It was clearly illegal and prohibited in law invitation," said Victor.

In addition, Victor also shows other evidence in the form of dozens of ID cards double spread in Mappi before voting takes place.

"In addition, the voting invitation not distributed directly to homes but taking in the village office and the village head's house. We also found that C1 sheet is not a hologram," he explained.

Related legal steps to be taken, Victor said it had complained to the Papua Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu), but no further action.

"That's why we moved to Jakarta and filed a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court, DKPP as well as to the administrative court," said Victor.
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