Bandung Zoo Poor Management, Emil Disappointed

Kamis, 19 Januari 2017 - 09:11 WIB
Bandung Zoo Poor Management,...
Bandung Zoo Poor Management, Emil Disappointed
BANDUNG - Related poor condition in Bandung Zoo (KBB) which reaping bad news again that so viral these days, Bandung Mayor, Ridwan Kamil expressed disappointment.

"I am concerned, disappointed because the zoo always brought bad name for
Bandung in international world," said Ridwan in his Facebook account.

In response, he will be sent a letter of reprimand to KBB managers in order to improve management, particularly related to animal care. He did not want any more animals that are not cared for properly.

Ridwan also recognize many petitions filed related to him rel
ated that news. However, he could not do much. Cause he does not have the authority to legally even the place despite being in Bandung government.

As part of the efforts of the city government, Ridwan explained, since last year he has sent an official letter to the Ministry of Environment and Forests (KLHK) as the competent authority to take action against the management of the zoo.

"The zoo was the responsibility of management. We did not have capacity to regulate by law," explained m
an who familiar called Kang Emil.

Every effort has been made Ridwan for improve the quality of management. He even offered that the management of zoos conducted by third party professionals. He was even willing to look for investors and a more suitable place to animals. But there has been no positive response from KBB management.

"I want to create investor for better manage, would like to relocate to pl
ace, but no response," he said.

"If legally, the authority of a license/management in municipal government, already from first we clean up the problem, without having wait for petitions," he said.
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