Apply GRI G4 Version, APP Sinar Mas Achieves SRA 2016

Selasa, 20 Desember 2016 - 15:17 WIB
Apply GRI G4 Version,...
Apply GRI G4 Version, APP Sinar Mas Achieves SRA 2016
JAKARTA - For fourth consecutive year, Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas won awards at the Sustainability Reporting Award (SRA) in 2016.

This time, APP Sinar Mas specially commendations won the award in the category of Best Practice for Forest Conservation Policy program or Forest Conservation Policy, which carried APP Sinar Mas since 2013.

"As one of the largest pulp and paper in the world, APP aware of their role in forest conservation efforts in Indonesia, not only in the area of operation of APP and its suppliers, but also on the surrounding area. Through sustainability report we put together every year, APP communicate implementation of the commitments FCP to stakeholders in a transparent manner, with the hope, the initiatives that we do on the ground to encourage more parties to work together to support the efforts of the Government of Indonesia in protecting Indonesia's forests," said Sustainability Manager APP, Librian Angraeni in Jakarta, recently this.

Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) APP Sinar Mas is a commitment not to use raw materials derived from natural forests, protect peat areas, empowering local communities and ensure their suppliers to comply with all existing commitments in FCP.

SRA event has entered the 12th year of implementation. SRA award is given in recognition to companies that communicate the initiative-initiative sustainability through various means such as the reporting of sustainability reporting and corporate Internet sites. The theme this year is "Towards Transparency and Better Investment".

SRA event assessment was conducted by a jury chaired by former Minister of Environment, Sarwono Kusumaatmadja.

Sustainability reports is the medium used by an organization to communicate the policies and initiatives in line with the policy of economic, environmental and social of the organization.

Reporting prepared following an associate reporting standards initiatives and policies in the context of sustainable development.

Since 2005, APP has drawn up its sustainability report based on standard Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the international standard of sustainability report that is widely used by leading organizations around the world.

This year, APP uses standard GRI G4 version, which is the latest version of the GRI standards that exist at the time of preparation of the report period in 2015. To ensure credibility and accuracy, facts and information contained in the APP Sustainability Report verified by an independent third party prior to publication ,

In 2015, important progress achieved APP in the application of FCP include: the launch of the program Desa Makmur Peduli Api (DMPA), the establishment of the Yayasan Belantara as a platform of funding for business protection and restoration of forests in the landscape where APP and its suppliers operate, and advances in management program peat, where APP built more than 5,000 channels worldwide perimeter suppliers concessions located on peatland in an effort to raise the height of water in peatlands in natural forest areas directly adjacent to the area of industrial forest.

Previous 2015 ago, APP received an award for the category of Disclosure for Sustainability Management for the Sustainability Report 2014. Sustainability Reporting Award event was initiated by the National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR), an independent agency that is assisting, developing and assessing the performance of companies committed to implement sustainable development in Indonesia.
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