Bandung Floods Again, Mayor Forced Unloading Soon

Senin, 14 November 2016 - 05:08 WIB
Bandung Floods Again,...
Bandung Floods Again, Mayor Forced Unloading Soon
BANDUNG - National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) released 20 flooding locations in Bandung and Jakarta-Cikampek toll road during heavy rain which flushed on Sunday (13/10) afternoon.

20 locations were flooded include Pagarsih road, Wastukancana road, Lodaya road, Pasirkoja road, A. Yani road, Sukagalih road, Sudirman road, K road (Pasar Andir).

Furthermore Laswi road, Burangrang road, East Station road, Kebon Jati road, Bandung Railway Station, Caringin road, Otista road and dr. Djundjunan road. And then Kopo road, Manado road, Serayu road, and Cicendo Hospital.

"The floods caused several rivers to overflow as the Citepus river. High flooding around 30-60 cm with a strong current as happened in Wastukancana road," said BNPB via Twitter account on Sunday (13/10) night.

Heavy rain also caused some fallen tree in Manado road, Kopo road, Serayu road, Otista road and its stagnant Bandung Railway Station.

"Losses caused flooding and fallen trees in Bandung is two cars were severely damaged, some houses were damaged, the buildings were damaged, patient files in the Cicendo hospital severely damaged and train operations hampered for two hours and washed away the furniture," said BNPB again.

Until Sunday (13/11) at 22:00 pm, flooding in Bandung gradually receding. Meanwhile, the flood situation in Bandung Railway Station has started to recede and already started to operate again.

Also with Cicendo hospital situation that has now been cleared from the puddle and was operating normally again.

Associated with floods that struck Bandung again, Bandung Mayor, Ridwan Kamil conduct inspections when it rains on Sunday afternoon.
Bandung Floods Again, Mayor Forced Unloading Soon

Man who is familiarly called Kang Emil have seen some roads were flooded because of the access and doorways of buildings made of concrete that is too low and reduce the volume of water in the culvert so the water jump into the street.

"Please permit to the owners of the lots, demolition voluntary or involuntary access of concrete will be carried out in bulk to be replaced grille steel hinged open the lid. Included in the way Pagarsih. Please understand and customize. Thank You," said Emil in his Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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