NERDUNIT, Alternative Options for Indonesia Street Style

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016 - 06:45 WIB
NERDUNIT, Alternative...
NERDUNIT, Alternative Options for Indonesia Street Style
JAKARTA - Dress style of young people today began heavily influenced by street style. It is undeniable that choice of dress no longer dominated by formal and neat concept.

"That's why I decided to take a brand like this to Indonesia. This clothes and accessories fashion from head to toe manufactured in Malaysia and Thailand," said Fitri Wahab, CEO NERDUNIT Indonesia in Jakarta, recently.

Street style, said Fitri, also supports the wearer comfort in Jakarta, which has a tropical and humid climate.

"Street style tends to be worn everyday," said Fitri.

added, target market of NERDUNIT in Indonesia, will enter the age range of 19-45 years and followed the tastes of Indonesian people.

"For our prices are very affordable. Price most cheapness Rp300,000 / clothes," she said.
NERDUNIT, Alternative Options for Indonesia Street Style

Fitri confidence if these products will be in demand and can compete with other fashion products because they have the quality that can be relied upon.

To note, NERDUNIT itself inspired by the simplicity and design clothes that not only brings kontemprorer line and edgy, but also have an element of 'sophisticate' as their tag line is 'Way If Life'.
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