Fredy Executed First, Zulfiqar Canceled

Jum'at, 29 Juli 2016 - 02:55 WIB
Fredy Executed First,...
Fredy Executed First, Zulfiqar Canceled
CILACAP - Third round of death execution for four death row inmates narcotics cases have been executed confirmed by Attorney General for General Crimes, Attorney General's Office (AGO), Noor Rachmad in an official statement in Cilacap, Central Java, around Friday(29/7) 02.00 pm.

According to Noor, the firing squad officers who had been prepared since the beginning has thoroughly implement the execution of Freddy Budiman (Indonesia), Michael Titus Igweh and Humphrey Ejike alias Doctor (Nigeria) and Osmane Seck (Senegal).

"Just now at 00:45 pm has been carried out execution of several death row. First, Freddy Budiman," said Noor.

While Zulfiqar Ali, sentenced to death narcotics cases from
Pakistani mentioned not be executed. The news was delivered by Zulfiqar lawyer, Saut Rajagukguk, Friday (29/7) morning.

"Do not be executed. I do not know why. Hopefully, the reason that really shows the enforcement of the law with justice," Saut said.

The news about the cancellation of the execution of Zulfiqar also already known to the Pakistani Ambassador to Indonesia. Currently, Zulfiqar still in isolation in one of the prisons in Nusakambangan.
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