Understood... Santoso Death, Gift for Tito

Rabu, 20 Juli 2016 - 11:12 WIB
Understood... Santoso...
Understood... Santoso Death, Gift for Tito
JAKARTA - Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) warned, deaths of Santoso in Poso forest still leaves a huge homework for the police. IPW indicated, Solo terrorist groups are still very aggressive commit acts of terrorism. It was seen in a suicide bombing at the end of Ramadan last Mapolresta Solo.

"The potential terrorists is more alarming when similar rumors Rp20 billion inflow of funds from Syria to Yogyakarta suspected of financing terrorist groups," said Chairman of IPW Presidium, Neta S Pane to Sindonews in Jakarta.

That means, added Neta, police chief Tito Karnavian still have to do the hard work to suppress acts of terrorism in Indonesia.

"The death of Santoso can not be claimed as the initial
chief Tito success . Santoso was killed in an operation conducted with TNI. But if TNI mentioned that gift as the new police chief Tito... it can be understood," said Neta.

He warned similarly, in Poso Santoso has built a cadre of successors.

"One of them is Ali Kolara which potentially replace Santoso. Need to watch counterattack of lackeys and other Santoso network," said Neta.

Previously, the TNI chief Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo mention, integrated team success in the killing Tito Tinombala Task Force to be a gift for a new police chief Tito Karnavian.

"And this is the success of killed Santoso, I would like to gift a new police chief Sir Tito hopefully even more successful," said Billy at the TNI Headquarters Cilankap, Jakarta, Tuesday (19/7)
as press releases from Puspen TNI.
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