Bring 'Going Home' Sense in Embassy of Indonesia

Senin, 11 Juli 2016 - 06:06 WIB
Bring Going Home Sense...
Bring 'Going Home' Sense in Embassy of Indonesia
CAIRO - The joyfulness in celebrating Idul Fitri 1437 H not only belongs to the Muslims who celebrated back home in Indonesia. The Indonesians in Egypt also experienced the delight of Eid celebration, although far away from their family and relatives, during the Eid celebration held by the Embassy of Indonesia in Cairo on (6/6).

The Embassy held Eid prayers, gatherings (halal bi halal) and stage performances. The Eid celebration was began at 07:00 Cairo local time with Eid Prayers. Ustadz Ali Irham acted as Imam and the Eid sermon was delivered by Ustadz Faiz Husaini.

In his sermon, Ustadz Faiz Husaini explained the virtue of Ramadan month in which the Indonesian Muslims in Egypt are expected to put into practice the Quranic views and values as a result of an intensive interaction with the Quran for the whole month of Ramadan.

“The Quranic values obtained during the holy month of Ramadan is expected to be able to give different perspectives in the challenging modern world; the social empathy built during the Ramadan month is able to be maintained and put into practice in the daily life,” said Ustadz Faiz Husaini.

He also urged the Indonesian Muslims in Egypt to respect the differences wherever they are, in order to create and maintain the harmony and peace.

The Indonesian Ambassador to Egypt, HE Helmy Fauzy in his remarks said that the Indonesian Embassy is the home of all Indonesians abroad.

“I always hope that all of us, the Indonesian citizens in Egypt are a big family, this will bring the sense of togetherness, as a remedy for our longing of our hometowns, our relatives and our brothers and sisters in Indonesia,” said the Ambassador.

After the Eid prayers, the attendees, most of all are Indonesians and small group of Egyptians sampling some special Eid dishes such as rice cakes (lontong), chicken stew in yellow sauce (opor ayam), spicy beef stew (rendang), mix vegetables, bakso (beef balls), padangnese clear soup (soto padang), tekwan and various cakes.

The gathering which were attended by around 1,700 Indonesians also featuring a string of religious acapella songs (nasyid) from Da’i Nada group, Marawis (religious songs accompany by percussions musical instruments) from the Bantenese students and the band and stand-up comedy by the students of Jakarta.

To make the event more joyful, the Embassy gave away doorprizes during the stage performances. The doorprizes which were contributed by the donors and homestaffs of the Embassy contained some interested prizes such as laptop, mobile phones, multimedia speakers, gas stoves, mixer and one return ticket Cairo-Jakarta.
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