Solo Bomb Attacker Desperate and Barged The Secure

Selasa, 05 Juli 2016 - 10:11 WIB
Solo Bomb Attacker Desperate...
Solo Bomb Attacker Desperate and Barged The Secure
SOLO - Suicide bombings in the courtyard Mapolresta Solo, Central Java, carried out by someone who is desperate to use a motorbike.

READ MORE: Explosion at Solo Police Headquaters

Head of Public Relations Division, Police Headquarters, Inspector General Boy Rafli
Amar explained the chronology of events of terror.

"That incident happened at 7.30 am. Mapolresta Surakarta been suicide bombings were carried out by unidentified men on a motorbike," said Boy when confirmed, Tuesday (5/7).

This explains the former police chief of Banten police, the motorcyclists barged into the Police Headquarters Solo.

"It stopped by Provos officer, but motorcyclists are still come in through secure," he said.

As a result, members of the Surakarta Police Provos officer
initials Chief Brigadir (Bripka) BA chasing the motorcycle rider. However, unavoidable in front of checkpoints raised a loud explosion.

"Right in front of the
checkpoints unexpectedly loud explosion coming from the body so that the motorcycle rider on the front of Bripka BA," he said.

As a result of the incident, a suicide bomber died on the spot and Bripka BA suffered injuries to the face.

"We still do crime scene and data collection by the Solo police," he said.
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