Reelected, Bogor Golkar Party Shutter Regional Head

Senin, 06 Juni 2016 - 06:55 WIB
Reelected, Bogor Golkar...
Reelected, Bogor Golkar Party Shutter Regional Head
BOGOR - By acclamation, H Ade Ruhandi or familiarly called Jaro Ade was reelected in the Regional Council (Musda) Golkar Party Bogor regency on Thursday (2/6) as the chairman of the Golkar Party of Bogor Regency term of office 2016-2021.

"It's the second period, the first in 2010-2015. Nearly two years of consolidation, after Musda West Java,
Munaslub Bali and also launching million cadres by Setya Novanto. Alhamdulillah, I am grateful and will be carrying out the mandate," said Jaro in Bogor, recently.

After being elected, he would immediately lead and maximize the functions of Golkar in the development of a prosperous society, sinergy with central and local government, making the Golkar Party as a pillar of democracy and the forefront of development and community service.

"For local policies, I have to work hard together with friends to promote Golkar in Bogor. In 2014 we increased the vote from 7 to 9 seats, and in 2019 we are not only targeting 15 seats but 16 seats in parliament Bogor," he said.

He also explained his plans to run the task becomes Chairman Golkar Party of Bogor Regency.

"For the short term, immediately completed the consolidation of the district and village levels. For the medium term, we will immediately conduct a working meeting area. Given Golkar had become supporters of the government, in the region must support the decision of the DPP. As for the long term, in the 2018 General Election in Bogor and West Java. As well as there Legislative Elections (Pileg) 2019 and Presidential Elections. Attainable. we should have regional head from Golkar," he explained.
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