Surabaya Zoo Guess The Suspect is Indonesia People Too

Senin, 21 Desember 2015 - 16:48 WIB
Surabaya Zoo Guess The...
Surabaya Zoo Guess The Suspect is Indonesia People Too
SURABAYA - Surabaya Zoo (KBS) management issued an official clarification related to slant the news that mentions the collection of a pregnant orangutan on improper actions keeper or nurse. News commotion allegations it has made many people, including the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

"Mrs Menhut call because he was concerned too, 'what is this'. I explained that was not true," said interim Director of KBS, Aschta Boestani Tajudin when showing the condition of the enclosure and the collection of the orangutan told reporters on Sunday, December 20th, 2015.

Aschta admitted difficulty tracing the spreaders of false news because sourced from overseas online sites. According to him, there was a possibility the perpetrator is a person who intends to Indonesia itself bad.

"I do not rule out the possibility that people who buy a domain Indonesia Malaysia and perform like that," he said.

Women were previously active in The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation chose to clarify the rights and responsibilities compared to investigate the creator of the site. He mentions, first, the names of the employee and the director was quoted in the news did not exist in its database.

"Akhiroel Yahya and Abdul Hakim was not in any position in the data HRD us until today," he said.

In addition, KBS had a collection of orang-utan called Marylin as alleged. The oldest zoo in Indonesia it has a collection of eight tail orang utan, which consists of three tails male orangutan named Acong, Sinyo, and Rizki, and five male female orangutan named Ninuk, Tini, Alifah, Peace, and Dora.

The photos contained in the fake news is Dora. Collection of this one, said Aschta, indeed never be suspect by experts SEAZA pregnant in 2013. "But, after the blood is taken, the results were negative. He was obese," said Aschta.

Besides, he explained, although humans have a genetic similarity of about 84 percent, 90 percent interspecies breeding will not occur. Because, physiology and metabolism, human and orangutan different. "In fact, if we want marries orang utan with chimpanzees and gorillas alone can not," he asserted.

KBS parties requested that no more media in Indonesia rash spread news without clarification or accidentally load bombastic news alone.

"Then after we did the right answer but not heeded, we may be reported to the Press Council."
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