Lima Group Refuses to Recognize Maduro’s New Term

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2019 - 09:47 WIB
Lima Group Refuses to...
Lima Group Refuses to Recognize Maduro’s New Term
MOSCOW - The Lima Group of countries seeking an end to the Venezuelan crisis said in a declaration on Friday they do not recognize President Nicolas Maduro’s new term starting next week.

The Lima Group has called on Maduro "not to assume presidency on January 10… and to temporarily transfer the executive power to the National Assembly until a new, democratic presidential poll is held."

The paper, published by Peru’s government, was also signed by Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, and Saint Lucia. Mexico abstained.

The nations reiterated their full support of the Venezuelan legislature, elected in 2015, and rejected as illegal last May’s vote that saw Maduro re-elected for a second six-year term.

Reacting to media reports that US State Secretary Mike Pompeo took part in the meeting via teleconference, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza slammed the 14-member group for taking orders from US President Donald Trump.
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