Six Political Party Accused Cheating

Jum'at, 03 November 2017 - 05:22 WIB
Six Political Party...
Six Political Party Accused Cheating
JAKARTA - Six political parties have been accused of manipulating board and membership data until the domicile office when input into the Political Party Information System (Sipol).

Lawyer of Peaceful Islamic (Idaman) Party, Herianto said, the six parties referred to the Democratic Party, the National Awakening Party (PKB), the People's Conscience Party (Hanura), the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), the Beringin Karya Party (Partai Berkarya) and Movement of Indonesia Change (Garuda) party.

Sixth, according to him, has included incorrect data into the Sipol to meet the requirements specified in the law.

"Like Democratic Party in Southeast Sulawesi only has board member in 12 districts from 17 districts or around 70.5 percent, so it must be declared incomplete because the minimum requirement is 75 percent or 13 regency/city board," said Herianto when delivering material at the hearing handling administrative violations in the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) building, Jakarta on Thursday (2/11).

In addition, he said, input data of PKB incorrectly into the Sipol. This is evidenced by the manipulation of board data conducted in a number of districts/cities in Bangka Belitung and North Kalimantan.

Similarly, Hanura Party which according to Herianto manipulate data management in NTT and West Sulawesi.

"Even Hanura does not have a DPW NTT board, the statement of the status of the office of DPW NTT also came from Panggang Island and Pramuka in Kepulauan Seribu," said Herianto.

As for the new party passed by the KPU but in fact incomplete the data is not true, Herianto pointed PSI, Garuda and Berkarya do not meet the requirements of stewardship, membership and office domicile as appropriate.

He explained that the PSI is not eligible 75 percent of stewardship in one of the districts/cities in Southeast Sulawesi.

Similarly, according to him, the many Working Party does not have a board in Southeast Sulawesi, and Garuda is not eligible 75 percent in NTT.

This peculiarity according to Herianto indicates the injustice of the election organizers against the parties that register.

He said the KPU should put the full requirements of documents on the existence of documents, in accordance with legislation.

Herianto considers the spirit of fair and fair elections not to be seen during the registration process. According to him, the KPU should not tolerate any documents that are not in accordance with the requirements.

"We want the implementation of the 2019 election much better. Let political parties compete, KPU is enough as an organizer that promotes honesty and justice," he said.
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