SDGs Also Can Expanding Network of Philanthropy Actor

Kamis, 02 November 2017 - 23:40 WIB
SDGs Also Can Expanding...
SDGs Also Can Expanding Network of Philanthropy Actor
BENGKULU - Zakat in Indonesia has the potential to improve the welfare of the community through the creation of programs in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Next year, National Bureau of Amil Zakat (Baznas) targets to collect zakat of 8.77 trillion to be used to alleviate poverty.

Chairman of Baznas, Bambang Sudibyo said, the collection of zakat from all zakat managers in Indonesia this year reached about Rp 5 trillion. But, in fact the potential of national zakat is much larger than that, its potential reaches Rp 217 trillion per year, with an average growth of about 37 percent.

"Next year, Baznas committed to collect zakat amounting to Rp8.77 trillion," Bambang said during Seminar on SDGs as Means of Capacity Building and Partnership Development at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Bengkulu on Wednesday 1/11).

He explained, from Rp8.77 trillion, is targeted to alleviate the need of the poor as much as one percent of the number of poor people in Indonesia.

According to him, SDGs can also be a means of expanding the partnerships and networks of philanthropic actors, non-profit organizations, companies, local governments and communities in Indonesia to develop community empowerment work.

"By using measurements of achievement of SDGs, these organizations can improve the capacity of their institutions especially in terms of achievement program," he said.
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