Revealed, 56 Luxury Hotels and Cafes in Jakarta Using Refined Sugar

Rabu, 01 November 2017 - 21:53 WIB
Revealed, 56 Luxury...
Revealed, 56 Luxury Hotels and Cafes in Jakarta Using Refined Sugar
JAKARTA - Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) National Police raided the warehouse of PT Crown Pratama in Pool Road, PDD Prima Center 2m Block D No 6 RT10 / 2, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

The company is suspected to be a distributor of refined sugar in sachet form to a number of luxury hotels and cafes in Jakarta.

In fact, as is known, the allocation of sugar is for the industry and not for direct consumption.

"Total, there are 56 hotels and cafes in Jakarta that use refined sugar in sachet form," said Director of Special Economic Crime (Dirtipideksus) Bareskrim National Police, Brig Gen Agung Setya at Bareskrim office, Jakarta on Wednesday (1/11).

According to Agung, refined sugar for industrial purposes. The sugar is usually used for mix food or beverage.

"If consumed directly refinef sugar can affect to bone loss and diabetes," he explained.

Agung explained, to trick consumers, packaging of sugar sachet stamped by BPOM stamp. In fact, he said, BPOM never issued.

"The inclusion of BPOM has been misleading," he said.

Agung revealed, PT Crown Pratama has been operating since 2008. Within a month the company is able to pack sugar consumption as much as 20 tons. Since 2016 until now, the demand for sugar has increased to 20 tons per month.

"Each sachet of clean weight reaches 6-8 grams," he explained.
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