Alexis Already Illegal in Jakarta

Senin, 30 Oktober 2017 - 16:53 WIB
Alexis Already Illegal...
Alexis Already Illegal in Jakarta
JAKARTA - Jakarta Provincial Government officially closed the place of entertainment which is also massage parlor, Alexis which is located Hotel Alexis, Pademangan, North Jakarta.

The closure was done through the extension of Alexis business license that has been exhausted.

Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan said, according to his campaign promise some time ago that does not want Jakarta to be a city of prostitution practices, he took a firm stand by not extending the Alexis business license.

"The letter has been issued on Friday, October 27, 2017. Now, we will be supervised, without permission, they conduct illegal activities, the sanctions are not allowed to carry out the activities," said Anies at City Hall on Monday (30/10) .

Anies explained, so far it has heard the existence of reports, complaints, and the news about the deviation of tourism business permits. In addition, the city government has a basis and because it involves maintaining morale, he asks all parties to obey the decision.

Currently, Anies continued, his side is waiting for a reaction from the entrepreneur. The most important clarity of his position is certain and known to everyone.

"We will try to be consistent in the future and make sure that we are promising, we will not let such practices go just like that, so we will take a step and this is a message to all. Do not try, if you try, then we will follow firmly," he said.
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