Government Don't Want to Rush for Accommodation Disruption of Innovation

Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017 - 23:20 WIB
Government Dont Want...
Government Don't Want to Rush for Accommodation Disruption of Innovation
JAKARTA - Disruption of innovations that have sprung up recently demands changes in the way business competition authorities work. Especially about law enforcement competition, which raises its own challenges.

In particular, disruption will disrupt the business stability of incumbent business. Meanwhile, the authority of business competition must be careful to keep the innovation process going on and keep the market open.

But the government as disclosed by Coordinating Minister for Economy, Darmin Nasution said the government agreed not to rush to present policies to accommodate developing disruption of innovations.

According to Darmin, currently both the government and the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) open themselves, to hear and see business actors and the dynamics that occur due to changes in business models in all business sectors.

"Yes, like holding an egg, it should not be too tight and not too soft. Please explain yourself, how is that," said Darmin on the sidelines of the opening 2nd Jakarta International Competition Forum (JICF) themed 'Disruptive Innovation, Competition Policy and Challenges to Emerging Markets' in Jakarta on Wednesday (25/10).

Darmin also reminded the new policy is published if the stakeholders already know the ins and outs of disrupsi innovation. He pointed out how until now the debate over online-based transport continues despite the government's finding a way out.

"I'm not trying to figure out what it looks like if it's too early. But from the results of expert discussions, players in other countries, I think it's the right way how to set and see whether the competition is considered healthy," said Darmin.
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