'One Meter' Password Used by Regent of Nganjuk

Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017 - 22:50 WIB
One Meter Password Used...
'One Meter' Password Used by Regent of Nganjuk
JAKARTA - Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) have evidence of instructions in the form of telephone conversation which tapping via Regent of Nganjuk, Taufiqurrahman cell phone contains use of the password 'one meter' to obscure bribes. Taufiqurrahman himself has been determined to be a suspect by KPK.

Deputy Chairman of KPK, Basaria Panjaitan revealed, KPK team found in the process of buying and selling transaction and transactional bribery happened apparently before there had been other gifts to Taufiqurrahman.

When KPK was defeated in pre-trial, Basaria said, essentially a closed investigation was conducted related to bribery that led to the arrest. In the process of investigation, the Commission did two things.

First, the intensity of wiretapping against Taufiqurrahman and the parties included with two accused bribery recipients and two bribery suspects Rp298,020 before the arrest.

Two bribe suspects are Head of Education and Culture of Nganjuk Regency, Ibnu Hajar and Head of Junior High School (SMP) 3 Ngronggot Nganjuk, Suwandi. Meanwhile, two suspects of bribery, namely Head of General Hospital of Kertosono Nganjuk, Mokhammad Bisri and Head of Environmental Office of Nganjuk Regency, Harjanto.

Secondly, Basaria explained, KPK team also conducts field monitoring (surveillance), especially in Nganjuk District. In fact, KPK team several times in Nganjuk.

In these two processes, KPK ensures the fulfillment of criminal elements of bribes. Then finally arrested on Wednesday (25/10). Basaria does not deny any special codes which used by Taufiqurrahman.

"The contents and how KPK wiretapping can not explain cause too much tactically. Over specific. Certainly the team most teams down to the field to monitor people, who is doing the sale of positions. Two things that support each other," Basaria said during a press conference at the KPK Building, Jakarta on Thursday (26/10).

Information received, before the handover took place on Wednesday (25/10), Taufiqurrahman with Ibnu and/or Suwandi and several parties made several times called via mobile phone communication. On the communications Taufiqurrahman using the 'one meter' password as a referrer for the money of Rp100 million.

"This 'one meter' code has been used in other cases, the meaning is different, in this case it means Rp100 million. The point is that we understand it is money, and we monitor it is true that we hand over the money directly," said the internal source.

Basaria continued, Taufiqurrahman make Ibnu and Suwandi as a confidant who serves as a collector of money from the sale and purchase position. From the information obtained by KPK team, to become Head of Elementary School (SD) the candidate must pay Rp25 million to Taufiqurrahman. There are also only pegged Rp10 million. For junior high and senior high school level is Rp50 million.

"Being head is bigger, but there is no fixed price here," he said.

Basaria asserted, the entire collection of money deposits is done by Suwandi and Ibnu. For the collection process, usually Taufiqurrahman convey to the two people for example he needs how and when the deadline. From there, Suwandi and Ibnu guerrilla. This process applies equally to the needs of Taufiqurrahman in Jakarta.

"The KPK is very concerned about the extent of corruption allegedly involving regional heads, and the KPK is calling for these corrupt practices in the local government to stop because I suspect that such a mode also occurs in many areas," Basaria said.
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