KPPU Ask Minimum Standards of Hajj and Umrah Service Immediately

Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017 - 08:26 WIB
KPPU Ask Minimum Standards...
KPPU Ask Minimum Standards of Hajj and Umrah Service Immediately
JAKARTA - Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) requested Ministry of Religious Affairs to establish Minimum Service Standards (SPM) for Hajj and Umrah.

Chairman of KPPU, Syarkawi Rauf revealed, the demand for SPM is actually proposed since 3-5 years ago.

"Why SPM become an important issue? Because so many reports coming to us, that there are operators who abandon congregation. They (pilgrims) already paid (cost of Umrah), but the service was not as expected," said Syarkawi in the KPPU office, Jakarta on Monday (23/10).

Determination of this SPM, he added, will encourage the pilgrims and umrah to innovate in providing services to the congregation. In addition, the establishment of SPM also makes the cost of Hajj and Umrah more efficient.

KPPU hopes that setting SPM can create competitive price, compete, and protect the society from negative behavior of Hajj and Umrah organizers.

"Carriers are also many offer rates Umrah and Hajj are very cheap, that if we see factual, not might deprted congregation. Therefore, we encourage never mind than this incident repeatedly continued, the government should set the SPM," said Syarkawi.

Therefore, the commission organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the management of Umrah trip in the perspective of competition on Monday (23/10).

In the FGD, KPPU invited representatives of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Indonesian Hajj Supervisory Commission, Hajj and Umrah Association of Organizers, and other stakeholders.
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