Why Should Fear to Special Detachment of Corruption?

Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017 - 07:03 WIB
Why Should Fear to Special...
Why Should Fear to Special Detachment of Corruption?
by: Bambang Soesatyo
Chairman of Commission III of DPR RI Golkar Party Faction
KAHMI National Presidium 2012-2017

There are interesting from the pro and contra of the presence Special Detachment (Densus) of Corruption. Suddenly many people feel a fire beard like a child who is threatened to lose toys.

In fact, the presence of the Special Detachment of Corruption will not reduce KPK's cooperation projects with various parties and various programs funded by the state budget. As well as, it will not interfere with the influx of foreign aid flows that have been entered into various parties through the endorsement of the KPK to remain "festivalized" issues of corruption eradication that often gave rise to noise and disrupt development.

There is nothing to be afraid of or to blame if the presence of the Special Detachment of Corruption will cause a commotion because the noise will stop by itself after everyone understands the role and function of the Special Detachment of Corruption.

Why be afraid of Polri's initiative to present the Special Detachment of Corruption? There is an urgency for the state to update its anti-corruption strategy because its strategies and actions are now ineffective. The state needs an additional battering device so the police take the initiative to form a Special Detachment of Corruption.

A new initiative should indeed be taken as the performance of corruption eradication in the past 15 years is insignificant. For the past dozen years, the battlefield against corruption has only demonstrated the act of arrested (OTT) operations. Instead of declining, corruption is becoming more and more. Except Office of President and Vice President, all state institutions have been infected by corruption virus.

The Supreme Court (MA) as the last bastion of justice seekers can not stem the virus of corruption. Some persons in the Supreme Court are involved in corruption with the mode of sale and purchase of cases. Judges in a number of public and high court courts were arrested for corruption in the form of receiving bribes in exchange for easing sentences. This country is actually being overshadowed by legal uncertainty because judicial bodies are too often shaken by bribery scandals.

The number of heads of regions that have been charged for corruption is really worth worrying about. Not only because the number is quite a lot, but also the issue of effectiveness of local governance which also must be taken into account. Moreover, so many captured regional heads also give an idea of the poor pattern of recruitment of regional leaders. Local leaders with poor personality qualities are usually not oriented to the interests of the local community.

President Joko Widodo was forced to give very loud warning to a mayor for letting a number of roads in the big city was badly damaged. That is one example of the case of the personality of regional leaders who are not oriented to the interests of the local community. With such personality qualities, a local ruler does not hesitate to behave deviant, including corrupt behavior.

The picture of widespread corruption in this country has become common knowledge. In the public sphere every individual must have a story about the behavior of corrupt bureaucrats, about corruption modes, to the story of the family lifestyle of corruptors. Facing the bad reality, the public can only see and hear. However, they can not and are powerless to simply prevent corruption. Thus, the state's tools must act.

It is true that there is already a Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) that is mandated by the law to fight corruption. However, although the KPK has captured so many corruptors, yet the deterrent effect never grows. It has been proven that the existence of KPK does not present the effects of trepidation. Because minus the effects of trepidation that, corruption looks increasingly widespread. Responding to that tendency, some people just get angry, others complain, and others criticize. Or, lick the tongue in a dialogue forum on corruption eradication strategy.

The question is how long will the current trend be maintained? Then, whether the strategy as practiced today can effectively suppress corrupt practices in the body of the central government bureaucracy as well as the local government bureaucracy? The debate about the need and not the strengthening of KPK is a trap that resulted in the performance of corruption eradication is not significant.

Many people look ridiculous because they do not want to admit that the KPK is not effective enough to fight the corruption. KPK has almost failed because it places greater emphasis on prosecution, rather than formulating preventive systems and strategies.

KPK series of action was then made a show to entertain the public as well as an explanation that the commission has worked. Is the series of shows by KPK effective in solving the problem? KPK's work is deserved to be appreciated. But the big goal is not the barrage of action, but the building up of an anticorruption culture.
Why Should Fear to Special Detachment of Corruption?

Not yet the growth of anticorruption culture becomes a serious threat to the future of this nation's young generation. Young people entering the workforce must face corrupt culture or behavior in government and private environments. Young people applying for jobs in factories should provide bribes.

Private companies that want to work on government projects should also set aside bribes. Such is the current practice or trend. And, again, this tendency is not only a common knowledge, but also felt or the experience of millions of people in this country. And, millions of people feel abused in their own country. Do not know who to complain to.

Dither effect
There must be courage to acknowledge failure in the fight against corruption. Let's tell the truth to yourself and to the audience about the failure. The corruption eradication movement will never achieve its goal if it is always a polemic or debate. Arguing is not wrong if it leads to an agreement on the most effective strategy formulation.

The challenge for this nation is how to reduce corrupt behavior in the body of the central and local bureaucracy. Handing over all the burden of work to the KPK has proved unreasonable.

See, the existence of the commission did not make unscrupulous civil servants until the head of the region afraid of corruption. Because of the focus on the prosecution, preventing the head of the region from corrupting the KPK is not able. In fact, because of its position at the top of the regional government structure, preventing the head of the region from corruption should be easier if the commission from the beginning to formulate its prevention system and strategy.

Therefore, presenting an additional "hammer" tool named Special Detachment of Corruption which was initiated and formed by the Police Headquarters became very relevant. After all, responding to cases of corruption is not a illegal for the police.

Conversely, the job is an obligation of the Police. With the roaming work that extends from the center to all corners of the region, Special Detachment of Corruption is not only expected to bring the effects of trepidation, but also must be able to bring the effects of trepidation.

The effect of trepidation of corrupt behavior must be immediately grown in all public spaces. Let everyone feel watched by the Special Detachment of Corruption personnel. Because they feel watched, anyone will be afraid to behave corruptly.

In this context, supervision of any person on a moderate scale is not a mistake. Students who take the exam alone are supervised by the teacher not to behave corrupt by cheating. Such an approach is needed within a certain timeframe with the goal of building an anti-corruption culture.

Is the presence of a Special Detachment of Corruption going to cause a commotion? Could be yes, it could also not. The noise due to the presence of Special Detachment of Corruption is not to be blamed or feared. The noise will stop by itself after everyone understands the role and function of the Special Detachment of Corruption.

Who will trigger a commotion from the presence of the Special Detachment of Corruption? Of course the groups who feel will be very disturbed by the operation of this. They are a group that is comfortable with the weaknesses and shortcomings of the KPK at this time. They do not care about the facts of increasing corruption.

Distracted, they will certainly rally their power or opinion to oppose the presence of Special Detachment of Corruption. The effort is believed to be unsuccessful as the country desperately needs an additional tool in the fight against corruption.
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