Monopoly Practice Absolute Prohibited

Senin, 23 Oktober 2017 - 10:58 WIB
Monopoly Practice Absolute...
Monopoly Practice Absolute Prohibited
JAKARTA - The prohibition of merchants to sell certain products violates Article 15 paragraph 3 sub-paragraph b Law No. 5/1999 on Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition must be obeyed by all parties.

This matter is emphasized by expert witness, Siti Anisah SH from Faculty of Law of Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in a follow-up trial on the alleged monopolistic practice and unfair business competition conducted by PT Tirta Investama and PT Balina Agung Perkasa at This matter is emphasized by expert witness Siti Anisah SHdari of the Faculty of Law of Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in a follow-up trial on the alleged monopolistic practice and unhealthy business competition conducted by PT Tirta Investama and PT Balina Agung Perkasa in the Commission for Business Competition Supervision (KPPU) office last week.

"Business actor is prohibited from entering into agreements on specific prices or discounts on goods and or services, which contain the requirement that business actors receiving goods and or services from supplier business actors: should be willing to purchase other goods and or services from supplier business actors; or will not buy the same or similar goods and or services from other business actors who become competitors from supplier business actors," explained Siti in front of Chairman of the Court, R Kurnia Sya'ranie.

This reinforces the results of the investigation team of KPPU in previous sessions which presented witnesses from traders who felt that they had been harmed and intimidated by Aqua's distributors and producers by banning Le Minerale's sales to impose a decline in the status of the merchant outlets.

Related to that, the investigation team of KPPU reportedly has more than two evidences to ensnare the Aqua producers and distributors with alleged violation of Article 15 paragraph 3 letter b and Article 19 letter a and b.
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