Anies-Sandi Need to Move Quickly

Senin, 16 Oktober 2017 - 07:24 WIB
Anies-Sandi Need to...
Anies-Sandi Need to Move Quickly
by: Gun Gun Heryanto
Executive Director of The Political Literacy Institute and Lecturer of Political Communication UIN Jakarta

It is time for new Jakarta Governor and Vice Governor to work and pace with time, realize the mandate of power which today (Monday, 16/10) is ordained. Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno are now officially have legitimate power to lead the bureaucracy of Jakarta Province.

Do not celebrate the party and not necessarily dissolve in euphoria, because the real challenge is already visible in front of the eyes. The ies need to move quickly, progressively, dare to take risks in the corridors of the law, and obedience to the rules.

Reconciliation Agenda
There are a number of records related to the start of the term of Anies-Sandi in DKI. First and foremost to do is to show seriously good will and political will to bridge the spirit of reconciliation of citizens of DKI who are polarized in such a way as to their different political views and choices.

Ahok-Djarot supporters can not be ignored, given the number of voters with strong voters characteristic of this couple is evident since the election procession until now.

We can see data of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Jakarta which becomes the picture of the second round of Jakarta Election when the Anies-Sandi head to head with Ahok-Djarot. There are 7,218,280 voters in the electoral election (DPT) in Jakarta elections, while those with voting rights have 5,532,436 votes.

Yes, Anies-Sandi pair won significantly with a difference of 15.92 percent. Citizens who chose Anies-Sandi 57.96 percent or about 3,240,987 voters and who voted for Ahok-Djarot 42.04 percent or 2,350,366 voters.

Thus the Ahok-Djarot electorate of 2.3 million and did not expect Anies-Sandi to be governor must be convinced and embraced that there is no more reordering, no conflict, and the governor and deputy governor will be the leader of all citizens of DKI whatever group, religion, ethnic, and political choices.

Reading conflict in elections does not have to always be viewed as negative and destructive. In the perspective of conflict theory, American conflict sociologist Lewis Coser (1913-2003) views conflict as not always destroying the social system. Conflict and integration as two sides that can strengthen and weaken each other.

Coser's view as quoted by Wallace & Wolf, Contemporary sociological theory: continuing the classical tradition (1986), distinguishes two basic types of realistic and nonrealistic conflict.

First, realistic conflicts have concrete or material resources, such as power source disputes such as electoral contestation, ie people fighting for 'seats'. By getting the position of JakartaI-1 and 2, will certainly impact on the management of power according to the scheme it has. If the election is over, the conflict will soon subside and usually resolve well through legal corridors and interpersonal relationships.

Second, nonrealistic conflicts are driven by irrational desire and tend to be ideological. In this case, inter-religious, inter-ethnic and inter-belief conflict. This kind of conflict tends to be difficult to find a solution, especially to re-consensus and peace.

Like a deep wound, conflicts fueled by religious, ethnic, and belief issues are very difficult to cure. Therefore, the elections of DKI some time ago concentrated with issues that cut with SARA, then elected governors and deputy governors have the moral and political responsibility to schedule a number of programs and activities of reconciliation and reaffirm the spirit of diversity.
Anies-Sandi Need to Move Quickly

The size of Ahok's supporters and voters can actually be a blessing for Anies-Sandi. They can be the controller of their performance while serving as the leader of Jakarta.

The control will be done by many parties, and the achievement of Anies-Sandi will always be compared with what Ahok has done, both when he becomes Jokowi's deputy and as governor and partnered with Djarot Syaiful Hidayat. Anies-Sandi should focus on work and fulfill some of his campaign promises with public-run programs, both short, medium and long term.

Vertical-Horizontal Communication
Another important keyword in leadership in Jakarta is strategic communication vertically and horizontally. Vertical communication in question is the effectiveness of political communication and organizational communication with the central government led by Jokowi-JK.

Jakarta bureaucracy work can not be released away from the direction, orientation, and interests of political and economic central government. One example is the handling of reclamation. Anies who refuse reclamation in their campaign promises must communicate within the corridors of bureaucratic organizations with the central government over a number of existing reclamation policies.

In addition, it is also obliged to streamline political communications to reinforce the intention so that it will not cease to wilt before it develops into reality. Another vertical communication is between Anies-Sandi and the ranks of about 7272,697 civil servants of the state (ASN) and other parties involved and working in Jakarta Provincial Government.

Bureaucracy reform is not enough to be solved by rhetoric. It needs real effort in the three main sectors of bureaucratic reform, namely institutional (organization), management (process), and human resources apparatus. The problem is that performance culture has not yet been built, overweight organizations, overlapping legislation, many incompetent human resources, unclear authorities, poor public services, and rule-based thinking that is rigid.

Horizontal communication is done at least three nodes. First, political communication with local governments around which often buffers Jakarta. For example, Bekasi Regency and City, Tangerang Regency, South Tangerang City, Bogor Regency and others.

Problems in Jakarta are almost impossible to solve without involving communication to arrange a step together with the surrounding local governments.

Second, communication with DPRD that are equal partners in the domain of local government. The pattern of power relations is often disrupted and raises a number of dilemmas that cause paradox.

For example, during budget deliberations, there will be 'disturbing' parties with attempts to incorporate their economic and political interests into the budget posture and project plots as the government goes through a number of programs. Therefore, this budget transparency becomes important.

E-budgeting, e-planning, to existing e-musrenbang programs must be strengthened and perfected rather than deleted or abandoned. Finally, communicate with the nodes intense and sustainable. Do not let communications with citizens only during campaigns and grabbing of votes.
Anies-Sandi Need to Move Quickly

It takes a strong commitment to ensure that Anies-Sandi's promise makes Jakarta residents happier. Transformative leadership is obliged to mobilize citizens in the spirit of the word, not with arrogance, nor in misleading and misleading imagery! It is time for Anies-Sandi to fulfill the promise, not to be polite.

Congratulations and happy working for Jakarta!
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