Dhea Imut Accused Involvement of Syndicate in Her Case

Jum'at, 06 Oktober 2017 - 09:33 WIB
Dhea Imut Accused Involvement...
Dhea Imut Accused Involvement of Syndicate in Her Case
JAKARTA - Due to unsatisfactory answer and accountability, artist Dhea Annisa (21) or known as Dhea Imut reported the DHL as delivery service company to Jakarta Police. This reporting related to loss of camera that she sent for Rp229 million through this delivery service.

Dhea camera, Canon C500 type was lost when sent to Malang, East Java. Her party accused involvement of the syndicate which resulted the camera which sent by this expedition company was not up to the recipient.

"When the goods arrived in Malang, there was a man who claimed to be named Totok Suhadi took the goods in DHL Malang. Which we do not understand until now, why DHL allow he take the package directly, even though the camera we asked to be sent home at the delivery address," said Dhea lawyer, Henri Indraguna at Jakarta Police Headquarters, Jakarta on Thursday (5/10).

The camera was originally sent to Dhea uncle, Suhadi Toto. But someone came to DHL Malang by carrying ID Card (KTP) named Totok Suhadi.

"This is what we regret, why DHL Malang allowed the goods to be picked up. Even that person who took the package showed ID card, but it clearly differed between the name of the ID card and the recipient's name on the shipment receipt. We also suspect there is usage fake ID card mode in this case," said Henri.
Dhea Imut Accused Involvement of Syndicate in Her Case

Henri added, they party was trying to mediate with DHL, but no goodwill from the expedition company made his party reported to police.

"Thursday morning we were mediating with DHL, but they were just trying to re-arrange insurance which already rejected for no apparent reason," he said.

Dhea party also admitted disappointed with the attitude of this expedition company and finally decided report DHL to the police represented by Dhea's mother, Masayu Chairany.

In the report numbered LP/4812/X/2017/PMJ/Dit.Reskrimum dated October 5, the reported party is still under police investigation.

"The reported party will be charged with Article 378, 372 and 374 of the Criminal Code," said Henri.
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