This e-Commerce Provide Needs from Birth to The End of Muslims Life

This e-Commerce Provide Needs from Birth to The End of Muslims Life
JAKARTA - The huge potential of e-commerce business in Indonesia is becoming a very promising value. As one of the largest market, Indonesia has a 52 percent potential market share from total value of e-commerce in Southeast Asia on 2025.
So, based on these data, PT Ebaba Muslim Indonesia launched most complete e-commerce muslim platform titled 'ebaba' to meet the needs of muslim communities, both in Indonesia and internationally. With a specific target on muslims who in fact also majority of largest population in Indonesia, 'ebaba' feel its market share wide open.
"Total from 255 million people, 85 percent are muslims. This prompted us to present various products and services based on Islamic principles of Halal and Syar'i," said M Fitno, CEO of 'ebaba' in Jakarta on Tuesday (27/9).
Another thing that underlies the birth of 'ebaba', he continued is the development of muslim fashion brand clashed from the designers of Indonesia who have been calculated at international level. In fact, soon lndonesia has a targeted as center of muslim fashion in the world.
"What distinguishes 'ebaba' with other muslim e-commerce? We come with the concept of one stop solution. 'ebaba' presents needs of muslims from birth to the end of life, as well as various information and knowledge about Islam in its features," added Fitno.
The uniqueness of 'ebaba' is found in three main features of Baba Shop that provides products needs of muslims such as fashion, worship tools, halal food and hajj equipment.
Secondly, features of Baba Serve, which presents Islamic services from birth to age-old like aqiqah, umroh to funerals.
Finally, features of Baba Help where muslim community can access information about Islam and can also ask and interact directly with the ulema directly.
"Baba Help also has other features such as the location of nearest mosque, Qiblah pointers and prayer reminder time, all accessible in 'ebaba' applications that can be downloaded from Google Play," added Business and Marketing Director of 'ebaba', Maulana.
This time, hundreds of merchants and brands have joined the current 'ebaba'. And in the near will increase to thousands.
Most recently, 'ebaba' has also collaborated with some famous Indonesian designers such as Hengky Kawilarang and Etty Bachir.
Not only from the designer, from celebrities like singer Rosa and also artist Annisa Hapsari joined with 'ebaba'. Even senior artist Pangky Suwito sits as one of commissioners.
"All of our features can also be accessed in web browser:," Fitno concluded.
So, based on these data, PT Ebaba Muslim Indonesia launched most complete e-commerce muslim platform titled 'ebaba' to meet the needs of muslim communities, both in Indonesia and internationally. With a specific target on muslims who in fact also majority of largest population in Indonesia, 'ebaba' feel its market share wide open.
"Total from 255 million people, 85 percent are muslims. This prompted us to present various products and services based on Islamic principles of Halal and Syar'i," said M Fitno, CEO of 'ebaba' in Jakarta on Tuesday (27/9).
Another thing that underlies the birth of 'ebaba', he continued is the development of muslim fashion brand clashed from the designers of Indonesia who have been calculated at international level. In fact, soon lndonesia has a targeted as center of muslim fashion in the world.
"What distinguishes 'ebaba' with other muslim e-commerce? We come with the concept of one stop solution. 'ebaba' presents needs of muslims from birth to the end of life, as well as various information and knowledge about Islam in its features," added Fitno.
The uniqueness of 'ebaba' is found in three main features of Baba Shop that provides products needs of muslims such as fashion, worship tools, halal food and hajj equipment.
Secondly, features of Baba Serve, which presents Islamic services from birth to age-old like aqiqah, umroh to funerals.
Finally, features of Baba Help where muslim community can access information about Islam and can also ask and interact directly with the ulema directly.
"Baba Help also has other features such as the location of nearest mosque, Qiblah pointers and prayer reminder time, all accessible in 'ebaba' applications that can be downloaded from Google Play," added Business and Marketing Director of 'ebaba', Maulana.
This time, hundreds of merchants and brands have joined the current 'ebaba'. And in the near will increase to thousands.
Most recently, 'ebaba' has also collaborated with some famous Indonesian designers such as Hengky Kawilarang and Etty Bachir.
Not only from the designer, from celebrities like singer Rosa and also artist Annisa Hapsari joined with 'ebaba'. Even senior artist Pangky Suwito sits as one of commissioners.
"All of our features can also be accessed in web browser:," Fitno concluded.