Azka Corbuzier Becomes The Youngest YouTubers in Indonesia

Sabtu, 23 September 2017 - 06:20 WIB
Azka Corbuzier Becomes...
Azka Corbuzier Becomes The Youngest YouTubers in Indonesia
JAKARTA - After successfully writing book 'Story of a Broken Home Kid', Azka Corbuzier, son of Deddy Corbuzier re-incised achievements. By YouTube, Azka was awarded the youngest YouTubers who earned 100 thousand more subscribers in Indonesia.

Azka which born June 4, 2006 is in addition to good at writing books as well as inspirational video work uploaded on YouTube. Due to the variety of creative videos uploaded to the audience of YouTube enthusiasts, this 6th grade student's video can reach hundreds of thousands to millions of viewers every time he uploads a video.

"It's really nice to get this award," Azka said in Jakarta on Friday (9/22).

The father who also host in 'Hitam Putih' talk show is admitted surprised that his only son received an award from YouTube.

"When heard if Azka got the award, I was shocked, YouTube make an event for it," said Deddy.

Deddy himself uploaded a photo when Azka received the charter in his Instagram account.

"Congratulations @azkacorbuzier for your #youtubesilverplaybutton #youtube keep make me proud OK kiddo. Or i poisons u...." Deddy's caption in the photo seemed to accompany his son full of pride.

A number of other Youtuber names that were awarded at the event were Ria Ricis (Gold Play Button), Bayu Skak (Gold Play Button), Reza Oktovian (Gold Play Button), SkinnyIndonesian24 (Gold Play Button) and many more.
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