Forward International Lobby for Rohingya's Conflict

Senin, 04 September 2017 - 15:35 WIB
Forward International...
Forward International Lobby for Rohingya's Conflict
JAKARTA - Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) encourages Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) to bring the issue of violence against the Rohingyas in Rakhine, Myanmar to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR). The plan, JK will attend the event of the United Nations High Commission (UN) for refugee affairs.

The House of Representatives assesses that lobbying through international forums is far more effective than taking the hard way proposed by various parties on the humanitarian tragedy in Myanmar.

"Mr. JK will attend, we recommend the government to bring this up in UNHCR," said Vice Chairman of House Commission I, Meutya Hafidz at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Monday (4/9).

She said all parties must be careful about the humanitarian tragedy in Rohingya. According to him, the suggestion of a number of parties for the Indonesian government to expel the Myanmar Ambassador is not right.

The expulsion of ambassador, said Meutya will be cut off access to communication between the government of Indonesia and Myanmar. Currently, Indonesia must prioritize the communication process.

"Currently only Indonesia can get in. We are not dealing with opinions, but the lives of our brothers in Rohingya .The harder we are, there is potential in sanaya also heating up," said Meutya.

Meutya appreciated the responsive government's move by sending Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi to Myanmar. Meutya said the decision had been communicated with the House of Representatives Commission I.

"We are still working on other channels of communication that are informal," said Meutya.
Forward International Lobby for Rohingya's Conflict

The humanitarian tragedy that struck the Rohingyas in Rakhine, Myanmar itself has reached an alarming point. The Government of Indonesia itself has been committed to help overcome the increasingly worrisome humanitarian crisis.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has issued an official statement regretting the violence that occurred in Myanmar. According to him, it needs real action to solve the problem and not just a statement of condemnation.

Jokowi has also assigned Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi to establish intensive communication with various parties, including UN Secretary General Antonio Gueterres and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

"This afternoon (yesterday) Foreign Minister (Retno) has traveled to Myanmar to ask the government of Myanmar to stop and prevent violence, to provide protection to all citizens, including Muslims in Myanmar," said President Jokowi in Jakarta, Sunday (3/9).

Another mission is to ask the Government of Myanmar to provide access to humanitarian assistance for humanitarian treatment resulting from the conflict.

The Indonesian government has sent food and medical supplies to Myanmar in January and February for 10 containers. In addition, Indonesia will also build a hospital.

"We hope this week we will send more food and medicine aid. Once again the violence of this humanitarian crisis must be stopped immediately, "said Jokowi.
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