Solve High Cost of Cataract Surgery, Baznas Get Free for This

Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017 - 07:26 WIB
Solve High Cost of Cataract...
Solve High Cost of Cataract Surgery, Baznas Get Free for This
JAKARTA - The only way to treat cataract disease is by surgery. However, to perform this action the costs incurred are expensive. Still expensive cost of cataract surgery is often an obstacle for the poor.

Broadly speaking, cataract surgery is replacing lenses that have grown in the retina of the eye and replace it with a new artificial lens. With the development of technology, cataract surgery does not need to be treated for days at the hospital. Just 10-15 minutes of surgery can be completed without incisions and stitches around the eyes. The operation is called pacho emulsification using a laser beam.

"Cataract surgery costs are quite expensive to reach Rp3-5
million. Therefore, Rumah Sehat Baznas took the initiative to conduct free cataract surgery for underprivileged people, including postoperative care, a week and a month thereafter," said Director of Coordination of Distribution and Utilization, Renbang and Diklat Baznas, M Nasir Tajang in Jakarta, Wednesday (30/8).

Director of Rumah Sehat Baznas (RSB) Jakarta, Dewi Hapsari, explained that for this cataract surgery program, the result of cooperation between National Amil Zakat Board (Baznas) and PT Bank Panin Dubai Syariah was initially followed by 80 people, but after health checking was selected 30-40 people who are ready for surgery.

"Free cataract surgery program is also implemented at other Healthy Baznas House, namely RSB Sidoarjo East Java, RSB Makasar South Sulawesi, Samarinda East Kaliamntan RSB, and RSB Pangkal Pinang Bangka Belitung province," she explained.
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