Tegal Mayor 'Slapping' Face of Central Java Again

Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017 - 13:19 WIB
Tegal Mayor Slapping...
Tegal Mayor 'Slapping' Face of Central Java Again
SEMARANG - Tuesday (29/8) afternoon, Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested on allegation of corruption again. This time, Mayor of Tegal, KMT Siti Masitha Soeparno become targets. The arrest of Siti Masitha by five KPK officers was conducted at the Mayor's official house on the street of Ki Gede Sebayu, East Tegal, Tegal City.

The arresting chronology of Siti Masitha begins at 3 pm after receiving mass from NU demonstrating, Siti Masitha attends a quarterly job performance evaluation meeting with a number of regional organization organizations (OPD).

At 17:45 pm, Masitha finished attending the meeting and returned to her office. At 17:50 pm, three KPK officers came and directly brought the Mayor of Tegal. At 18.00 pm Mayor brought by car officer.

Before committing the arrest, KPK officers sealed at the Kardinah Hospital office. Temporary suspicion of arrest related to physical building of ICU room

Based on the information circulated, two officials of Kardinah General Hospital, Tegal City, namely Director of Kardinah General Hospital, Abdal Hakim Tohari along with Deputy Director of Finance Cahyo Supriadi were also secured.

Separately, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said the capture of Mayor of Tegal, Siti Masitha Soeparno by KPK had slapped back the face of Central Java.

Mayor of Tegal is not the only regional head in Central Java who caught corruption case. Previously, at the end of 2016 Regent of Klaten, Sri Hartini also arrested KPK related bribery and gratification cases.

"Central Java was stranded again because it has been several times (regional head arrested KPK, red)," said Ganjar while attending the gathering in office of PDIP Central Java, Semarang, Tuesday (29/8) night.

Therefore, Ganjar intends to immediately collect all regents and mayors in Central Java to consolidate.

"Some heads of regions want to be collected again, consolidate again, discuss what exactly makes things like that still happening in Central Java," he said.

According to him, it is no longer time for the regional head to do violate the provisions of the law because this is the era of openness.

"Everyone has access to monitoring and reporting, because the current era of transparency, accountability, is not a season like that," he said.

The number one person in Central Java was concerned about the case that ensnare Siti Masitha Soeparno. He admitted that he has repeatedly reminded all regional heads in Central Java, including the Mayor of Tegal not to complicate themselves by breaking the law.

"We are all sad but we will say what when we have reminded but there are still some who do, I have reminded some regents and mayors, among them (Tegal, red)," he said.

Meanwhile, the arrest of Tegal Mayor by the KPK was greeted happily by some Tegal residents.

They went to the mayor's office at the Town Hall Complex. Some of them sparked their excitement by jumping up and down with joy to light the fireworks in front of the Mayor's house. They also unfurled a white cloth banner bearing Justice for the People of Tegal City.

"We feel very relieved," said representative of Tegal City Rescue Committee, Yuskon.
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